If you have the courage, ask him during one of your regular conversations if he is already seeing someone. Casually ask, “Are you dating anyone?” or “Is there currently someone you’re pursuing?”. Simply asking won’t give away any of your feelings. If you can’t ask him, either because you are too shy or you don’t see him often, try asking one of his friends what they might know. Bring him up in a conversation and ask, “Do you know if he is dating someone?”. If you can’t ask anyone, check to see if he has his relationship status posted on Facebook or another social media outlet.

“When was your last relationship?” “Are you interested in dating?” “Do you go on dates often?”

When he tells a joke, make sure you laugh. This will boost his confidence and give him the green light to share his feelings with you. [2] X Research source A light touch on his arm or shoulder is a welcoming way to show you’re interested.

If he is constantly fidgeting with his hands or other objects, this is a sign that he is feeling over-stimulated around you and is definitely attracted. [3] X Research source He may scan your appearance and point out tiny details. This is called imprinting and this type of attachment is caused by the increase of dopamine levels. [4] X Research source

Tell him what your greatest fears are or share one of your most embarrassing moments. If you show you trust him, he will feel more at ease and open with you.

Guys need to feel freedom from judgment to help them open up emotionally.

Be patient. Trying to move too quickly may frighten him and cause him to be less open around you. Do not bombard him with text messages. You should not be the first person texting him in the morning and the last person texting him at night. Make sure that the text exchanges between the two of you are more equal than one-sided. He should initiate hanging out with you at least half the time. If you ask him to hang out and he gives you a reason why he can’t, let him be the one to ask you to spend time together next.

Don’t show up to his work or house without being asked. If you cross paths at a party, don’t follow him around all night. Mingle with other friends and show that you can hold your own. There can be only one person chasing, and you don’t want that person to be you.

Do not talk down about other people or talk about how great you are. Instead, offer compliments, listen well, and remember it is okay to be wrong. [8] X Research source If he hears you being judgmental about other people, he will fear that you will judge him, too.

“What do you like to do with your free time?” “What do you do for work,” or “What type of job do you want to do in the future”. “What are your favorite movies?”

Give him a chance to miss you or wonder what you are doing. Allow him the opportunity to text or call you first. If he asks you what you are doing over the weekend, be honest, but respond with positive statements. You might say, “I am spending time with friends and catching a movie,” or you may say, “This weekend I am hanging out with my family for a little bit and then I am not sure what I will do after that. " Whatever you say, don’t respond with anything that indicates that you will be bored and sitting at home because that sounds desperate.

Try sitting or standing next to him and say, “I like you and I am wondering if you maybe like me too?” or “I really like spending time with you, and I am kinda hoping you like spending time with me. Do you like me?”. If he doesn’t know what to say at first, giggle and say, “You like me, don’t you?!”. He will surely fall victim to your charm. If he says yes, you have won your heart’s desire. If it is no, at least you know, so you can stop wasting your time and move on. If he takes time to think, don’t worry; he may be having a hard time putting his thoughts into coherent words. If you let him know in a subtle manner that you like him and that you will welcome his feelings, he might open up and admit he likes you.