If you’re outside, shiver and say you’re a little chilly and shuffle closer to him. If you’re indoors, say he has an eyelash or something on his face. Lean in and wipe it off, then look up into his eyes and don’t move away.

If you guys have gone out to dinner, get something that will draw his attention to your lips. If you are eating something that is drip-prone (like ice cream, strawberries, watermelon, etc. ) let a little juice get on your lips and then lick it off slowly. Just be careful not to look like you’re a hot mess who has a hard time eating without getting food on herself. Apply some lip gloss while your guy is watching. His eyes will be drawn to your lips. Just be careful not to put too much lip gloss on–a lot of lip gloss can be very sticky. For a less sticky approach, use lip balm or chapstick.

Ask him to help you lift something or open something for you. When he has done whatever it is, say something ‘ooo look at those muscles. ’ Even if you just say something complimentary like ‘I love your eyes,’ you are sure to stroke his confidence.

You can make your question sound sexy while still making it clear that you want to be kissed like. . right now. When you are close to him (such as when you are pretending there is something on his cheek–see Part One) lean in close to his ear so that your lips brush it gently and whisper “kiss me” or something along those lines. It is more than likely that that little brush of your lips and your bold request will drive away any lingering shyness he might have.