Path 1: He hates you so much that he is mad at his friends for hanging out with you that he leaves them, they all get really mad at you, and that’s the end of it. Path 2: He finally gives in, but doesn’t look at you as a friend or enemy. Now he secretly watches you. This is your big chance! Now for the next few weeks, be yourself and be friends with those friends you’re now closer to but don’t hassle him. Make yourself look good, such as dressing nicely, putting on jewelry, possibly make-up etc. This is usually what gets a guy’s attention. Just don’t overdo it.

Don’t bother him when he’s with his friends. Since he’s your “enemy” he’ll just act mean to you, and might humiliate you.

Approach him casually. Try not to do anything stupid around him! Also, try and start a conversation about schoolwork or something else that you think is suitable.

You can flirt with your eyes. [1] X Research source Look into his eyes and smile for a second, then look away coolly or as if something else more interesting caught your attention. [2] X Research source It can intrigue him because he may wonder if you were flirting with him or if he just made it up in his head. Repeat this for a week, and he will be more interested in you.