Use this initial interaction to start getting to know him and becoming friends. Are you both taking the same history class? Do you work in the same office? Find ways to talk to him, ask him questions, and get to know him. Be sure when you ask him for something to make it something where he will be helping you, but also something he won’t have to go out of his way to do. If it’s a major inconvenience for him, he may say no.

Ask him questions about himself. This serves two purposes: you are able to find out more about him while remaining interested in him. Paying attention to him helps fuel his ego by putting him at the center of attention. This can help him start to view you as someone he wants to be around.

Let him know you are there to listen to him anytime he needs it. Show him you are dependable and someone he can rely on.

Try talking about books. This is a good, neutral way to get into deep conversations. Movies, TV shows, and music also provide great conversation starters. Talk about current events. Politics and religion can be touchy categories, but there are plenty of things on the news or that you’ve read online that can showcase your intelligence. If you’re into history, start a conversation by telling him something you recently read about the Middle Ages. If you’re into science, tell him about the documentary on sharks you watched the night before. [1] X Research source

This is a good way to start gauging his interest level in you. Does he respond to your texts? Or does he ignore them? If he ignores them, you might not have a chance.

Don’t be sleazy with his friends. You don’t want him to think you are interested in his friends. You want to keep it light and fun when you flirt with them. Men are competitive creatures who are always vying to be the Alpha male. Being friends with his friends will please him because his buddies like you, but it may also make him jealous, which may result in him trying to steal your attention from them. [3] X Research source

Just remember that if you want to stay friends, that you actually stay friends. Don’t pretend to be friends and still try to break them up. Be genuine with him. If you’re going to just stay friends with him, then don’t wait on him. Meet new people, find other guys you might like, and date. You don’t want to be pathetic by waiting around and pining for him.

Wearing your best outfits doesn’t mean wearing skimpy tops and short skirts. Your best outfit could be a pair of great fitting jeans, boots, and a t-shirt. It might be leggings, an oversized sweater, and a scarf. It might be a cute sundress and sandals. Not only do you want to look your best to impress him, but you also want to feel your best.

Get a haircut or try a new hairstyle. Start wearing makeup. Get a facial, paint your nails, get a pedicure, or get your eyebrows waxed. He won’t know that you’ve gotten your hair cut or started wearing a different shade of lip gloss, but he will notice that something is different and pleasing. This helps catch his attention, even if he’s not sure what exactly has changed. [4] X Research source

It is especially important to be confident when you are around him and his girlfriend. Don’t let the fact that he’s not with you destroy your confidence. Instead, hold your head up high and show him what he’s missing. If the girlfriend sees him staring at you, it might cause some problems with them that would work to your benefit. Don’t be someone who is just there, pining after him, and waiting around for him. You are an awesome person with a full life, friends, family, interests, and other activities. Being yourself is sexy and confident, and remembering that you and your life is fabulous helps you be desirable. [6] X Research source

After a week of doing this, stop. You want to keep playing coy and be hard to get. Make him miss your stares and your smiles. [7] X Research source Find reasons to walk by his desk. Think of a reason to call him. Do these things sparingly. You want to make him interested and then pull back. Don’t make yourself too available to him. You want to tease him and then make him want to see you more.

Does he think she shops too much? Tell him you hate shopping. Is he upset she doesn’t like him watching football? Ask him to come to a game with you. Does he think she’s too uptight? Engage in childlike pranks with him. Don’t change yourself too much because he should always like you for who you are. If he is going to leave his girlfriend for you, he should be leaving her for a good reason rather than for a false personality.

When he says something funny, gently touch his arm or leg as you laugh. Touch his shoulder or back when you greet him. [8] X Research source Try putting him into the protective role when you touch him. Use him to hold on to as you adjust the strap of your shoe. [9] X Research source

Make sure he knows that you are dating this new guy. Mention the new guy when you are around him. Bring the guy to group outings so he can see the two of you together. Don’t go overboard with displays of affection. Make sure you act interested in the guy you are dating, but don’t be overly sexual or affectionate. You want to make him jealous, not turn him off or push him away. Dating other guys also gives you the opportunity to meet new guys. One of these guys might be better than the guy you’re trying to win - and the best part? He’s single and already into you.

Don’t give in until he’s broken things off with his girlfriend. If he keeps telling you he’ll do it soon but never does, you’re getting played.