Eyesight is only one of the five senses. Consider a profession that values one of the other senses more. Telemarketing, for example, is a sound-based profession and doesn’t require much sight. A massage therapist, on the other hand, relies primarily on touch. You should cross-reference typical jobs for the blind with the work you would personally be interested in doing.

Due to how stressful self-employment it usually is, it’s not a recommended course of action for most people. In the United States, the Business Enterprise Program is available for visually-impaired people who wish to start their own businesses. Vendor stands for packaged foods and prepared foods are potential ideas for the visually-impaired.

Take night classes in computer technology or something of a tech-based nature and see if you like it. You may find you have a talent you didn’t previously know about.

Writing jobs can be conceivably done by using a speech dictation program. Larger-than-average monitors and braille display can be added onto someone’s workstation if they have difficulties with vision.

Stamp out negative thoughts, and replace them with something positive. For example, if you find yourself thinking something like “I’ll never find a job. No one will ever hire me because I’m blind,” replace the thought with something constructive: “I may be blind, sure, but it doesn’t stop me from being a worthwhile and valuable human being. "

In the United States, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was enacted to help ensure equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Depending on the country you’re currently residing in, there should be similar laws passed to make it easier for you to find work.