You can get a referral for a real estate attorney by calling your nearest bar association.

Make sure to use a form approved for your state. These forms are usually uniform throughout the state, so you can use any county’s form.

You can obtain a document from the title company that will show the last legal owner, and who granted it to them. You can request a title search on the property to learn if the grantor is the legal owner and find out if the parcel is owned by more than one person. If the entire property is being transferred, then all owners need to transfer their ownership.

For example, your quitclaim deed might read: “For full and valuable consideration in the sum of One and no/100 Dollars, Kristen T. Jones, an adult resident of Big County, Michigan on this the 3rd day of June, 2017, does hereby bargain, sell, release, remise, quit claim and convey unto Michael T. Jones, an adult resident of Big County, Michigan, all right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate…. ”[6] X Research source

You may also need to identify the county and state where the land is located. [8] X Research source Double check the legal description of property and confirm you have entered it properly. [9] X Research source If you make a mistake, then there could be a boundary dispute.

A deed is valid even if not recorded. However, recording the deed gives the public notice of the new owner of the property, and for that reason you should record it as soon as possible. [13] X Research source