Rare Fox Hat. They’re worth a quarter of a den beta (meaning you can usually trade four of them for one den beta) or 8-10 Rare Item Monday items. The Freedom Fox Hat and Fluffy Fox Head are not clothing betas. Worn Blanket. They’re worth a quarter of a den beta, except for the black version, which is worth 3-4 den betas. The Rare Item Monday, Leap Year, and Spring versions are not clothing betas, but the Rare Item Monday version (light blue) is still worth 4-5 other Rare Item Monday items, and the Leap Year (bright purple) version is worth a blue long collar. Rare Bow and Arrows. They’re worth a quarter of a den beta. This excludes the Rare Friendship Bow, which is not a clothing beta. Non-rare Bow and Arrows are not clothing betas, but are still worth a few Rare Item Monday items. Flower Crown. The colored versions are worth one den beta, while the black, white, and Rare Item Monday versions are worth 1-2 den betas (possibly more). The Jamaaliday and Freedom versions are not clothing betas. Jamaaliday Bow. The colored versions are worth one den beta, the black version is worth three den betas, and the white version is worth 3-4 den betas. The Rare Big Bow is not a clothing beta, but is worth 4-6 Rare Item Monday items. Cupid Wings (non-glossy). These are worth one den beta.

Return of the Phantoms - This is a non-member adventure, but there is an Arctic Wolf passage, allowing you to possibly get two rare items in one adventure. When played on Hard Mode, you can get prizes like Bow and Arrows (the raspberry-colored Bow and Arrows included), Pirate Swords, Worn Blankets, rare Fox Hats, and more. The Phantom Portal - This is another non-member adventure with a Lion and Fox passage, allowing you to get three rare items in one adventure! This adventure rewards Worn Blankets, Pirate Swords, Bow and Arrows, Slingshots, and even rare Fox Hats if played on Hard Mode. If played on Easy Mode, though, this adventure only gives Crystals, Explorer Crates, Phantom Pipes, and Gems. The Forgotten Desert - This is a members-only adventure and is also the only adventure that actually rewards Spiked Wristbands. It no longer rewards Spiked Collars. Getting one from this adventure is especially rare, but den and clothing betas are rewarded more often. Items such as these could be used to get actual rare Spiked Collars and Spiked Wristbands!

Small Table, Orange Mat, Blue Mat, Rocking Horse, Gecko Plushie, Basket of Candy, Globe, Scarecrow, Fly Trap, and Traffic Cone. These are worth 25-30 Rare Item Monday items or 5-6 clothing betas each. Porch Swing (2011 version), Television, Open Sign, Art Easel, Robot, Bubblegum Machine, Zios Sculpture, and RC Car. These are worth 20 Rare Item Monday items or four clothing betas each. Yellow Sweets, Spaceship Gray, Planet Walls, Pink Forest Walls, Flower Carpet, Blue Vines, Blue Shag Carpet, and Moon Dirt. These are usually all worth 10-15 Rare Item Monday items or 1-2 clothing betas each, but some players don’t consider these den betas. Red Brick Walls. These are worth a little more than other walls (two clothing betas), but are also sometimes not considered a den beta. Wood Floor. This is worth a bad-decent short collar or 5-6 other den betas. Tan Carpet. This is worth a good short wristband-bad long wristband or 2-3 other den betas. Cami’s Frog. This is worth a decent long wristband or three other den betas. The Claw. This is worth a bad long wristband or 2-3 other den betas. Pot O’ Gems and Mira Statue. These are usually worth 20 Rare item Monday items or four clothing betas each, but some players see these as fake den betas

Items that say BETA or ‘Beta’ in the name aren’t real betas! Be cautious of scammers! Those items are from the Beta Party, which comes back every year. Make sure to accept real den betas, and decline all fake den betas. {“smallUrl”:“https://www. wikihow. com/images/6/69/Screenshot-2018-09-12-at-6. 48. 32-PM. png”,“bigUrl”:"/images/thumb/6/69/Screenshot-2018-09-12-at-6. 48. 32-PM. png/407px-Screenshot-2018-09-12-at-6. 48. 32-PM. png",“smallWidth”:460,“smallHeight”:188,“bigWidth”:407,“bigHeight”:166,“licensing”:"<div class="mw-parser-output">

License: <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Fair_use">Fair Use</a> (screenshot)

“Short” spikes are collars or wristbands with shorter spiked edges. “Long” spikes are collars or wristbands with longer spiked edges and shorter spiked edges in between the longer ones. These are worth more than short spikes. “Bad” spikes are spikes with the least valuable colors, which are orange and green. Green is only very slightly better than orange. “Decent” spikes are spikes with somewhat more valuable colors, which are yellow and pink. Yellow and pink are usually seen as equal, but some players may consider yellow “bad” rather than “decent. " “Good” spikes are spikes with average rarity, which are blue, red, purple, and black. However, blue may be considered “decent” rather than “good” to some players, and some players consider black spikes to be their own category rather than “good. "

Black long: 4-5 den betas Black short: 2-3 den betas or a bad long wristband Red long: 3-4 den betas Red short: 1-2 den betas Purple long: 3 den betas Purple short: 1-2 den betas Blue long: 2-3 den betas Blue short: 1 den beta Pink long: 2-3 den betas Pink short: 1 den beta Yellow long: 2-3 den betas Yellow short: 1 den beta Green long: 2 den betas Green short: 1 den beta (usually less) Orange long: 2 den betas Orange short: 1 den beta (usually less)

Black short: 2-3 den betas or a bad long wristband

Red short: 1-2 den betas

Purple short: 1-2 den betas

Blue short: 1 den beta

Pink short: 1 den beta

Yellow short: 1 den beta

Green short: 1 den beta (usually less)

Orange short: 1 den beta (usually less)

Black long: 30-40 den betas (depends on player), two red long collars (possibly more), five bad long collars, or 550-600 Diamonds Black short: 10 den betas, one good short collar and one bad short collar, or an orange long collar and 3-4 den betas Red long: 25-30 den betas, three bad long collars, one blue long collar and one bad long collar, or 270-300 Diamonds Red short: seven den betas or two good long wristbands Purple long: 20-25 den betas, one blue long collar and one good short collar, one decent long collar and one bad long collar, or 220-280 Diamonds Purple short: seven den betas or two good long wristbands Blue long: 20 den betas, two bad long collars, or 220-250 Diamonds Blue short: six den betas or two good long wristbands Pink long: 15-16 den betas, one bad long collar and one good short collar, or 180-200 Diamonds Pink short: five den betas or one good long wristband and one bad long wristband Yellow long: 14-15 den betas, one bad long collar and one bad short collar, or 160-180 diamonds Yellow short: five den betas or one good long wristband and one bad long wristband Green long: 11-12 den betas, two good short collars and something extra, or 130-150 Diamonds Green short: 3-4 den betas or two decent long wristbands Orange long: 10-11 den betas, black short collar and 3-4 den betas, two good short collars, or 130-150 Diamonds Orange short: 3-4 den betas; two bad long wristbands; or 2-3 good short wristbands

Black short: 10 den betas, one good short collar and one bad short collar, or an orange long collar and 3-4 den betas

Red short: seven den betas or two good long wristbands

Purple short: seven den betas or two good long wristbands

Blue short: six den betas or two good long wristbands

Pink short: five den betas or one good long wristband and one bad long wristband

Yellow short: five den betas or one good long wristband and one bad long wristband

Green short: 3-4 den betas or two decent long wristbands

Orange short: 3-4 den betas; two bad long wristbands; or 2-3 good short wristbands

Be cautious if someone wants you to trade more than 20 den betas for a Spiked Collar. You can only trade 20 items at a time, so they may try to get you to give them the den betas before they give you the Spiked Collar, then block you or lock you out of their den without giving you it.

If you are somehow fast enough to find all the shards, go back to Liza and talk to her.

Use the YouTube filters. Click “Filter”, and choose giveaway videos made a week ago or less. Usually, smaller Animal Jam YouTubers with less subscribers give you a larger chance of winning, due to less fans entering their giveaways. Watch the whole video, as watching the entire video will help you to understand the rules and who is currently in the lead and when the giveaway will end. Consider joining giveaways in livestreams by “somewhat” popular players. They usually give away better items, but you also have less of a chance of winning.

The most common scam is a “game” where the player that trades the best item to the giveaway host “gets the prize. " They’ll tell you that they’ll give the good item back and the giveaway item after, but they never do. Don’t try websites for “free items. " You won’t get any items from entering your password, you’ll just get hacked.