If you’re really not emo and you don’t like the style or take to it easily, you don’t have to be emo. Sure, emo girls like dark emo guys but if they like you, they’ll date you no matter what style you happen to fall into. It’s just easier if you are emo in that it gives you some common style interests.

Do research, including research into local bands. She will most likely bring up bands, asking you if you have heard of them. You will seem much more interesting if you know about certain bands that she knows, and you can have comfortable conversations. If you don’t know a band that she brings up, don’t lie. Admit that you’re not familiar with the group, and ask her to explain. It’s not the end of the world, and she’ll probably appreciate that you’ve taken an interest in her music.

Emo poetry often includes subjects like darkness or blackness, loneliness, isolation, broken heartedness, un-holiness, murder, and death generally. Emo writers might include Edgar Alan Poe, Bram Stoker, or H. P. Lovecraft, although these might also be considered gothic or horror writers.