Listening to music or using music to meditate can help. Put on some of your favorite calming music, sit in a comfortable position, and try to clear your mind. Just don’t fall asleep! Take a walk. Physical activity can calm the mind. While walking, focus on your breathing and try to be in-the-moment, or aware of your surroundings. Don’t let your mind wander while you walk. [1] X Research source

For example, if you wanted a promotion at your workplace, you would write, “I would like to get a promotion at my job. ” Then you would either read it out loud or in your head as many times as you needed to focus on it.

If the object you desire makes you feel happy, this is a good thing! Try to focus on the positive feelings associated with the object. If the object you desire makes you feel neutral, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. There are many people who think that thinking neutrally about what you want will help you focus your attention on it. [2] X Research source If the object you desire makes you feel more negative emotions than positive emotions, than this may not be the right decision for your happiness. If so, you will need to create new life goals. If you are sure that you want something that makes you feel negatively, you need to work on thinking positively instead. For example, whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively, make an effort to have a positive thought instead. [3] X Research source

For example, if you were trying to get promoted at work, you would want to think about what your life would be like with the promotion. Think about how you would get to work every day and what office you would go to. What work would you be doing? Who would be working under you, and what kinds of tasks would you give them?

Create a vision board. Cut out pictures from magazines or create your own images and documents to glue onto a piece of cardboard or cardstock. Place the vision board somewhere where you’ll see it every day to help you positively visualize what you want more often. [4] X Expert Source Erin Conlon, PCC, JDExecutive Life Coach Expert Interview. 31 August 2021. For example, you could create an “acceptance letter” for the promotion you wanted and pin it on your board. Write a short letter to the universe thanking it for giving you what you want. For example, write “I am grateful that you helped me get a promotion at work. ” This can help you feel as if you already have what you want.

For example, if you’re trying to get a promotion at work and you’re offered a position on a project that you would normally decline, accept the position instead. That project might lead you to your promotion! Be patient. Large changes in your life won’t happen overnight. It can take years of thinking with intent to see the changes you want to see. Trust that the universe will take care of the details and lead you where you need to go. [6] X Research source