There’s no single “best” workout — what works for one person may not work for another. Many health resources recommend workouts of about 30 minutes to an hour. As long as you stay on task, this should be plenty of time — however, some people prefer longer, less intense workouts. [2] X Research source The workout schedule above should work for most people. However, it’s far from the only workout plan out there. There are a huge variety of workout plans available for free online — all it takes is a simple search engine query to find plenty of good ones. To get bigger in a short period of time, you need to lift heavy weights between 8 and 12 reps. If it’s getting too heavy, where you can’t get 8 done, lighten it up a little bit. And if it’s getting too easy where you can do more than 12, increase the weight. [3] X Expert Source Brendon RearickPersonal Trainer & Strength Coach Expert Interview. 30 July 2020. Focus on full-body exercises that increase hormone response. They increase the utilization of all of your muscles at one time, giving you the most bang for your buck. Some examples include squat, bench deadlift, push-up, single leg squat, single leg deadlifts, wheel rollouts, front plank. [4] X Expert Source Brendon RearickPersonal Trainer & Strength Coach Expert Interview. 30 July 2020.

Traditional weightlifting wisdom is that performing high weight, low rep exercises tend to increase muscle size, while performing low weight, high rep exercises tend to increase muscle tone. However, recent research seems to suggest that as long as you work to the point of fatigue, you should build muscle with either strategy. [5] X Research source

One good way to manage the amount of cardio you do is to reserve cardio for your “off” days — that is, the days when you don’t have any resistance training scheduled. This way, you don’t waste any time that you would have spent building muscle on cardio.

If you can find people to work out with you in your friends or family, great! If not, consider joining an exercise class at your local gym — it’s a great opportunity to meet someone! Alternatively, consider getting in touch with an exercise meetup group. These are groups of people who coordinate online to meet at gyms and exercise together. A simple search for “Fitness meetup (your city name)” should yield decent results.

In addition, you’ll want to make sure to get a full night’s sleep after each exercise session. Human growth hormones (the chemicals that help you build muscle) are at their highest levels when you sleep, so neglecting to get a good night’s rest after a workout is essentially robbing yourself of muscle gains. [8] X Research source

For the most muscle-building benefit in the smallest caloric package, try to prioritize lean protein sources. A few examples include: White meat chicken Leaner cuts of pork and beef Beans Lentils Tofu, soy, etc. Egg whites Low-fat dairy products

Carbohydrates made from whole-wheat grains are preferable to those that aren’t — whole wheat products incorporate the entire kernel of wheat, which contains more nutrients and protein than “white” breads and the like, which tend to go heavy on sugar. Examples of healthy carbs include: Whole wheat breads, pastas, crackers, etc. Brown rice Quinoa Steel-cut or old-fashioned oats Beans and legumes In addition, most fruits and vegetables qualify as healthy carbohydrates (especially green leafy vegetables) and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Some sources of fat are healthier than others. Avoid processed fats, which you’ll usually find in snack foods and which tend to lack nutrients. Instead, try one of these healthy fat sources: Dairy products Nuts Avocados Most fish (also a good source of protein) Eggs

When starting a new routine When exercising very heavily When you’re growing (i. e. , if you’re a teenager) When recovering from an injury When you can’t get protein from other sources (i. e. , if you’re vegan) Note, however, that taking lots more protein than you need over a long period of time is not recommended, as it can tax your liver. [14] X Research source

Pulled muscles, torn ligaments, etc. Joint pain Spinal problems Very rarely, heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm (if predisposed to these conditions. ) Rhabdomyolysis (life-threatening; if you experience extreme muscle soreness and dark urine, contact a doctor immediately)

In general, you’ll feel fullest if you stick to a diet of lean proteins, whole wheat grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats (as recommended above. ) On the other hand, processed snacks won’t usually “fill you up” in the long term. This means that sticking to a healthy, natural diet will usually keep you from overeating (though it’s certainly possible to eat too much of foods that are healthy. To keep your eating under control, try using a calorie counting application like the one at MyFitnessPal. com. [16] X Research source

High blood pressure Increased risk of heart attack and stroke Liver disease Baldness Oily skin and acne (In men) lowered sperm count, infertility, shrunken testicles, enlarged breasts (In women) increased body hair, enlarged clitoris, deepened voice, shrunken breasts