Most players have seen the Destiny 2 Revelry ornaments in the trailers and promotional images for the event. These are the glowing antlers, wings, or ears that protrude from the player’s helmet once the ornament is active. However, getting the Destiny 2 Revelry ornaments is easier said than done.

There are a couple of key elements to getting the Destiny 2 Revelry armor ornaments. The first is to acquire Reveler’s Essence.

While the Revelry Event is active for Destiny 2 players (until May 7th), players will earn Reveler’s Essence in various quantities after completing activities. Of course, the best way to earn Reveler’s Essence is by going through the Verdant Forest, collecting chests and then defeating the 5 bosses at the final area.

If nothing else, those final chests should give players 35 Reveler’s Essence. Eva Levante also has 5 daily bounties available that reward 25 Reveler’s Essence each, so make sure to pick those up and kill two birds with one stone while completing activities.

With Reveler’s Essence in hand, Destiny 2 players can head to Eva Levante and purchase an item called Reveler’s Assortments for 75 Reveler’s Essence. The item description says that players can get gear, enhancement cores, or ornaments from the package but Bungie has not revealed the odds for each item. Presumably, the ornaments are the rarest item from the Reveler’s Assortments, but maybe players will get lucky.

Once the Destiny 2 Revelry ornament is applied to the helmet, players will see a different look depending on their class. And if they have additional armor, the size of the ornament will grow. It’s a small touch for the Spring event but one that will likely have some Destiny 2 players chasing the armor and trying to get as much Reveler’s Essence as possible.

Destiny 2’s Revelry Event is live until May 7th.