Donate your time to a charitable cause you care about. Pay it forward by buying the movie tickets for the people behind you in line. Buy a meal or a warm blanket for a homeless person.

Date. If you aren’t putting yourself out into the world, you’re unlikely to fall in love. Try to be more accepting of people.

A passage by Richard Dawkins from his book Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder: http://www. goodreads. com/quotes/83303-we-are-going-to-die-and-that-makes-us-the A quote by Robert Brault: http://www. goodreads. com/quotes/1017924-why-be-saddled-with-this-thing-called-life-expectancy-of

Start by seeking out a mental health professional who can help to identify whether you might be suffering from a mental health disorder such as depression. You can find a mental health profession here: http://locator. apa. org/

Small changes include things like ordering something different off the menu rather than getting the same thing all the time when you go out to eat. Large changes include taking a new job, moving to a new city, doing an exchange program for a year to immerse yourself in another culture.

Play a video game; don’t worry about whether it seems childish or dorky, just enjoy the experience - get immersed in it. Play a board game with friends. Invite some pals over and Play sports. Join a friendly sports league and foster some friendly competition.