For example, limit your daily television to 2 hours. You can give yourself more time as long as you’re doing something active while at it, such as jogging on the treadmill. If you spend too much time online, install a program that blocks problem sites and increases productivity, such as Freedom, Anti Social, and StayFocused. [2] X Research source You can also give yourself time limits for surfing the web or playing video games. Just make sure that you stick with them.

Choose healthier snacks such as popcorn made without a lot of oil, salt, or butter, or fruits or veggies and a low-calorie dip. Salty and sweet junk foods like chips and soda are particularly addictive, so you might want to keep them out of the house altogether. Ask your parents to stop buying unhealthy snacks, especially if they don’t eat them themselves. Alternatively, you can ask your family to hide unhealthy snacks from you.

Walk whenever possible. If the grocery store is just down the block, there’s no reason to take the car, especially if it is nice outside. [4] X Trustworthy Source HelpGuide Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Go to source Alternatively, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

If your friends aren’t into the idea, ask family members if they’d like to go for a walk next time you’re sitting around talking or watching television.

Make sure you plan your workouts around other, mandatory aspects of your life such as school, work, and family. While fitness is important, it’s only one pillar of your life and shouldn’t cause you to sacrifice other things. [7] X Research source

Recent studies have risen doubt as to whether or not stretching beforehand really reduces injury. Still, a 5-minute stretch before exercise is not a bad idea. [9] X Trustworthy Source National Health Service (UK) Public healthcare system of the UK Go to source

In order to strengthen your core, do exercises such as sit ups, plank exercises, and crunches. These will strengthen and tone your abdominal and back muscles. For your legs, you should do things like squats, vertical jumps, and wall sits. Good arm exercises include pushups, pullups, and lifting dumbbells.

If you don’t know what sports to try, check out the offerings at your local YMCA and school groups. Try out several sports, then continue the ones you enjoy.

If you’re interested in yoga, register for a beginner’s class where they’ll provide sufficient instruction. If you try moves that are outside for your level, you can hurt yourself. [13] X Research source

Get creative when adding fruits and vegetables to your diet. Mix up new, interesting salads rather than the lettuce, cucumber, and tomato salad. [15] X Trustworthy Source Produce for Better Health Foundation Nonprofit organization focused on promoting plant-based diet information to help consumers live healthier lives. Go to source Presentation can make a boring meal look appealing. For example, you could arrange fruit slices artistically on a plate to make it look like something from a 5-star restaurant.

If you’re a vegetarian, you can still get your daily intake of protein through foods such as nuts, beans, and eggs.

Avoid diet and low-fat processed foods. Studies have shown that they don’t have many nutritional benefits. [18] X Research source

Studies have shown that your body absorbs little to no nutrients from supplements. Unless your doctor advises otherwise, get your daily calcium and iron through food. [20] X Research source

Don’t go overboard and start thinking of these foods as “bad. " If you start assigning moral value to food, you risk developing eating disorders and self-esteem problems. [22] X Research source

If you just can’t force anything down your throat before you leave for school, take some yogurt and a banana with you to school so that you can eat it a bit later in the morning.

Take a water bottle to school with you so that you can sip on it throughout the day. It’s better than sporadic trips to the water fountain or soda from the vending machine. All fluids contribute to your daily water intake, including juice and tea. Still, it’s best to get most of your fluid-intake through pure water, rather than other drinks.

If you find yourself feeling guilty or anxious when you don’t work out for a day or two, you might be developing an unhealthy attitude toward exercise. Talk to a parent or school counselor to get help before your problem worsens.

If you tend to binge, skip meals, or use laxatives, you might have an eating disorder. Contact a parent, school health official, or doctor in order to address the issue. [27] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

You can help your friends build self-esteem as well by participating in these activities with them and discouraging any self-deprecating comments when you’re around.

In addition to striving for an eight-hour minimum, you should aim for a regular sleep pattern. For example, try to go to bed at a similar time each night and avoid sleeping late on the weekends.