Try signing up for Influenster, Smiley360, Opinion Outpost, I-Say Panel, or Global Test Market. Each online panel specializes in different kinds of products and offers different reward options, so look into a few to figure out which one is right for you. For example, Global Test Market and I-Say Panel both specialize mainly in household goods, while Smiley360 has a variety of categories like beauty, home, fitness, etc.

Try to consider which items will be the most popular (making your review more valuable), but also choose things that you will genuinely be interested in. You will probably write a better review if you enjoy what you are doing. Some sites will send you a sample or trial size of the product, while others will send you a full-sized version of the product.

Try to include things like how the product works, what the packaging is like, how efficient the product is, whether or not you were pleased with the outcome, etc. The more thorough your review, the more products (and the higher quality) the panel will send to you. Sometimes these panels will also ask you to participate in community discussion posts. But remember that you can also use the information for your own blog or other social media product reviews if you wish.

Use Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, a personal blog, or any other social media platform available to create an online name for yourself. Try to post stimulating content that others will be interested in and want to follow.

Review as many products as you can to create a good base of material moving forward. Truthfully discuss the pros and cons of each product so that you can provide valuable information for other potential customers. This will attract a wider audience for you.

For example, you might choose to review smartphone cases.

It will be harder to get companies to agree to send you their products if a lot of other (possibly more experienced) people are already doing similar work. Try reviewing a product that has just been released. You might also consider reviewing a product that is somewhat hard to get – like a product that can only be ordered from overseas. This type of product would be a good choice because customers might be hesitant to order something that takes a long time in delivery, or costs a lot in delivery fees – especially if they are unsure of the product quality and function.

Avoid name brand companies that you already recognize – at least until you’ve established yourself a bit more in the field of reviewing.

You’ll need either their email address or their phone number, maybe both.

Provide them with information about your channel like how many views it has, how many subscribers you have, how long you’ve had the channel, the daily average views you receive, what kind of channel it is, and what kind of feedback you get in the comments of your videos.

Be sure to send a thank you reply for sending you the product. This shows them that you are courteous and professional, which will reflect well on their impression of you.