For example, minerals such as zinc and magnesium help to get testosterone production started, while a healthy level of cholesterol allows your Leydig cells to actually make testosterone. In addition, veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage work to lower the levels of estrogen (a female hormone) in your body, thus boosting testosterone levels. [1] X Research source

Also try branching out to brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts and other nuts high in monounsaturated fats, as men who regularly consume these fats have higher testosterone levels than men who don’t. [2] X Research source Seeds, such as sunflower and sesame seeds, also provide high levels of monounsaturated fats, in addition to protein, vitamin E and zinc, all of which boost testosterone. For the healthiest option, go for the unflavored, unsalted versions of nuts and seeds.

If you’re looking for a quick fix, six oysters is all the boost your body needs to produce more testosterone, as oysters contain loads of zinc. [3] X Research source But if shellfish isn’t your thing, you can also increase your zinc intake by eating protein-rich meats and fish, along with raw dairy products such as milk and cheese, all of which contain high levels of zinc. If you’re finding it difficult to increase your zinc intake through diet alone (especially as a vegan or vegetarian) you can help the process along by taking a zinc supplement. The recommended intake for adults is no more than 40 mg per day.

The study found evidence that compounds in oats called avenacosides can limit the level of sex-hormone-binding globulins in the system, thus increasing testosterone levels. [4] X Research source Oatmeal has also been shown to improve sexual performance. It loaded with L-arginine, an amino acid that reacts with nitric oxide to relax blood vessels. When those blood vessels expand, blood flow is increased mightily.

In addition, eggs are high in protein and loaded with zinc - two more testosterone producing essentials. Don’t worry about your arteries - eating “good” cholesterol will not raise your blood cholesterol levels (unlike “bad” cholesterol such as triglycerides) so you can eat up to three whole eggs a day without compromising your health.

Specifically, a study conducted at Rockefeller University Hospital showed that estrogen levels were reduced by up to 50% in men who took 500 mg of IC3 a week, thus making existing testosterone levels much more effective. The most effective way to increase your IC3 levels at home is to eat plenty of cabbage, so try making cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, cabbage juice, or good old cabbage and potatoes.

Specifically, a study conducted at Rockefeller University Hospital showed that estrogen levels were reduced by up to 50% in men who took 500 mg of IC3 a week, thus making existing testosterone levels much more effective. The most effective way to increase your IC3 levels at home is to eat plenty of cabbage, so try making cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, cabbage juice, or good old cabbage and potatoes.

If you are an avid soda drinker, that should be the first thing to go. Sodas are filled with processed sugars and empty calories, which lead to insulin resistance and weight gain. Just by cutting your daily can of soda from your diet, you could be eliminating a ton of calories. Fructose is a type of sugar found in processed foods and fruit juices. It is believed to be one of the major factors behind modern-day obesity. To decrease your fructose intake, cut out processed food and drinks, along with refined carbohydrates found in breakfast cereals, bagels, pretzels, waffles etc.

Vitamin C. Unless you have diabetes, you won’t benefit much from taking this supplement to boost your testosterone. While it may be beneficial in boosting testosterone in diabetic rats, that’s about the extent of the scientific evidence. [7] X Research source You’re most likely getting enough vitamin C from your diet. ZMA. ZMA is a supplement blend of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Recent studies have found that ZMA has absolutely no effect on the production of testosterone in men. [8] X Research source Unless you know you have deficiencies in any one of these categories, steer clear. Do your research. Research supplements that claim to help raise testosterone levels. If you’re unsure, be your own advocate and make an informed decision. Just because it’s out there on the internet does not make it true.

Specific types of exercise, such as weightlifting, actually cause the body to produce more testosterone. Exercising decreases your chances of being overweight and, as discussed above, being overweight can negatively impact testosterone levels. [1] X Research source If you’re not sure where to begin, it may be a good idea to enlist the services of a personal trainer who can develop an exercise plan specifically tailored to your current fitness level, along with your desired outcome.

Lift large muscle groups. Studies show that lifting larger muscle groups, which require complex, compound movements, is much more effective for producing testosterone than working just one or two smaller muscles. [9] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source For this reason, you should stick with weight exercises such as bench presses, squats, deadlifts, and shoulder presses. Try to work out with high volume. The type of exercises you perform will mean nothing if you don’t have enough volume. You should be doing at least 3 to 4 sets of each compound exercise, using a weight you can only lift 5 times per set. The volume of your workout is determined by this formula: reps x sets x weight = volume. However, when it comes down to a choice between more repetitions or more sets, you should choose more sets every time. Focus on high intensity. Push yourself hard in the gym - only by pushing yourself to your physical limit will you maximize your testosterone production. Increase intensity by performing each exercise more slowly and by resting for no longer than two minutes between sets[10] X Research source

HIIT involves performing an exercise in a short, intense burst then following it up with an easier, recovery exercise. This process is then repeated several times throughout the workout. [1] X Research source This type of exercising can be adapted for most types of exercise - you can perform HIIT on the treadmill, the elliptical, in the swimming pool, etc. Just use the following formula: perform the high-intensity exercise for approximately 30 seconds, then follow it up with approximately 90 seconds of slower recovery exercise. Repeat this 7 more times for best results. Even 20 minutes of this type of exercise can reap huge rewards - so there’s no excuse for not finding the time.

Cardio is one of the best ways to burn fat, so incorporating a little running or swimming into your weekly exercise plan will help you to shed any extra pounds. This is good news, as being overweight can negatively impact testosterone. When you’re stressed, your body releases a chemical called cortisol which, amongst other things, inhibits testosterone production. Cardio exercise is also a great form of stress-relief so it can reduce your body’s cortisol production, thus increasing testosterone. However, cardio should be practiced in moderation - there’s no need to become a long-distance runner. In fact, a study conducted by the University of British Columbia found that male runners who ran more than 40 miles (64 km) per weeks had lower levels of testosterone than short-distance runners. [11] X Research source

A study conducted by the University of North Carolina found that over-training can decrease men’s testosterone levels by up to 40%. Therefore, it is very important that you take at least two days off from intense exercise per week, and that you avoid working the same muscle groups in two consecutive training sessions. [12] X Research source On days when you’re not exercising intensely, just try to be more active than usual. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike to work, use a standing desk instead of sitting down all day. These small changes help to keep your body moving, which is good news for testosterone levels.

A study conducted at the University of Chicago found that men who spent less than 5 hours sleeping for 7 consecutive nights produced 10% to 15% less testosterone compared to when they were fully rested. [1] X Research source In addition to decreased testosterone production, being sleep deprived also increases the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your system, and high levels of cortisol negatively impact testosterone levels. Not getting enough sleep also interferes with your growth hormones, which can prevent you from building muscle when you work out. You should also try to improve the quality of your sleep by turning off all computers and electronics an hour before bed, avoiding caffeinated drinks late in the evening, and having a hot shower before bed.

In other words, when cortisol levels are high, testosterone levels are low, and vice versa. It is believed that cortisol, which puts your body in “fight or flight” survival mode, conflicts with testosterone-related behaviors such as aggression, competition and mating. This is why the two cannot co-exist harmoniously. In order to maximize testosterone levels, it is important to minimize stress in any way you can. Consider trying deep breathing techniques, meditation, yoga or visualization.

In addition, alcohol raises cortisol levels and inhibits growth hormones - bad news for testosterone. Unfortunately, beer is the worst type of alcohol when it comes to healthy testosterone. This is because the hops used to make beer are full of estrogen (the female hormone). So you might switch to drinking liquor instead, or nothing at all. [13] X Research source When drinking, it’s best to cut yourself off after two/three drinks, as this will limit the damage to your testosterone levels.

In addition, consuming too much caffeine late in the day can disrupt sleeping patterns - and less sleep means less testosterone. However, recent studies have shown that consuming caffeine before a workout can actually boost your performance - so if you’re really craving a cup of coffee, have one before you pump iron. [15] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Watch more sports. Researchers at the University of Utah have found that the testosterone levels of sports fans are linked with their favorite team’s performance. The testosterone levels of the research subjects increased by up to 20% when their team won, but decreased by the same percentage when their team lost. Therefore, you should feel completely justified in watching more sports - as long as you’re sure your team will win! Have more sex. You probably know that testosterone is what fuels men’s sex drive, but did you know that it also works the other way around? That’s right; having sex can actually increase your testosterone levels. And not only that - just the act of having an erection, or getting turned on by an attractive person is enough to boost testosterone. [13] X Research source Enjoy the great outdoors. Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine can be hugely beneficial to testosterone. In fact, exposing yourself to those vitamin D filled rays for just 15 to 20 minutes a day can increase testosterone levels by a whopping 120%. If you can sunbathe naked, the results are even higher. Just don’t get caught.

There are specific diets than you can start on — such as the DASH diet — in order to decrease your high blood pressure and improve your testosterone levels. Other factors such as reducing stress, cutting out booze and alcohol, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help to reduce blood pressure. And if all else fails, blood pressure medication can help to keep your hypertension under control. See your doctor to figure out the best course of action for you.

Avoid heating food in plastic containers. If you’re heating up leftovers, make sure to transfer your food to a plate before popping in the microwave. Most plastic containers contain phthalates (a type of xenoestrogen) which can be transferred to your food when the plastic is heated. If possible, store your food in glass containers instead. Limit exposure to pesticides and gasoline. Both of these contain xenoestrogens, so try to limit your exposure as much as possible. If you come in contact with either, wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Eat organic produce. Non-organic foods are often sprayed with pesticides and pumped with hormones which mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. Choose organic product when possible, or at least wash fruit and veg thoroughly before eating and avoid meat and dairy products which come from cows that have been treated with hormones. Use natural grooming products. Items such as shampoos, soaps, toothpastes and deodorants can introduce xenoestrogens to the body, so consider making the switch to more natural versions of these products. [1] X Research source

Keep in mind that testosterone levels are highest in the morning, so it is best to get your levels checked early in the day.