If your pet distracts you, put them in another room for half an hour so you can focus on cleaning. You’ll be reunited soon!

Don’t be afraid to dance, sing along, or play air guitar while you clean. No one is watching, so cut loose!

For example, assign yourself 2 minutes to put away clothes, 2 minutes to pick up clutter, 1 minute to make your bed, 2 minutes to dust, and 3 minutes to vacuum. You’ll have your whole room done in 10 minutes. Once the timer starts, give your full and undivided attention to cleaning. You could use this time to toss all of your dirty clothes in the laundry hamper and/or throw all your trash into a garbage bag. [4] X Research source

For example, you might have tasks like: empty the wastebasket, put away laundry, tidy up your desk, and wipe down hard surfaces.

Time your break, too, so you don’t get sidetracked. After 5 minutes, it’s time to get back to it—you’re in the home stretch now!

For example, if your friend has been eyeing your new bag or video game, let them borrow it for a week in exchange for their help. Or, repay them by offering to help them clean their room next weekend.

To stay motivated, think of cleaning as a gift to your future self.

Manageable goals are doable, which means you’re always accomplishing something—and that’s a great feeling. One of your goals could be walking around the room with a trash bag and throwing out any knick-knacks that you no longer need.