If you have thick hair, use your fingers to gently comb through your locks while they soak in conditioner. This will gently detangle your curls without pulling your hair or damaging it. Some people with curly hair like to co-wash, meaning only “washing” their hair with conditioner on the days they don’t use shampoo. If you have thick or coarse curly hair that needs a lot of moisture, consider adding co-washing into your routine.

If you’re going to diffuse, flip your hair upside down first. This will encourage volume and give your curls more bounce.

If you have thick or coarse hair, try a detangling brush instead. Most curly hair experts warn that you should never comb your hair when it’s dry unless you’re about to wash your hair. Since combing and brushing makes curls frizzy, it’s actually better to avoid combing as much as you can.

Don’t have a microfiber towel? Use a thin cotton T-shirt instead.

You can also use oils on dry hair to tame frizz. Start with a pea-sized amount, and focus on the ends to avoid weighing your hair down.

Start with a grape-sized amount, and apply it with your fingers to wet hair.

Try to avoid products with alcohol in them, too. Alcohol is very drying and it can make your hair frizzy.

Avoid any hairsprays that are super heavy or have a strong hold, since this could weigh your hair down.

When using shampoo, try to use more on your scalp, and less on the ends of your hair. This will help prevent the mids and ends of your hair from getting dry. When using conditioner, try to use more on the ends of your hair, and less on your scalp. That way, your ends are moisturized but your scalp doesn’t get as oily.

Cutting curly hair is a little different than cutting straight hair. Ask your stylist to cut your hair dry instead of wet, and consider getting layers to take the weight out of your hair and let your curls shine.

Pin curls will give your hair natural-looking curls if it’s straight. You can also use pin curls to enhance your natural waves or add volume to a flat or limp spot in your hair. Other options for adding curls to straight hair include using rollers, braiding your hair, and curling your hair with rags.