Though your mom may not take you up on your offer, she will appreciate that you are trying to do something nice for her.

Try to choose something that you will be able to make for the whole family with minimal assistance from your mom. However, if she says she would enjoy making it together with you, don’t push her away. If you have siblings, you can also ask them if they’d like to help you make the meal together. It will probably make your mom very happy to see you all working together.

Try to choose something that you will be able to make for the whole family with minimal assistance from your mom. However, if she says she would enjoy making it together with you, don’t push her away. If you have siblings, you can also ask them if they’d like to help you make the meal together. It will probably make your mom very happy to see you all working together.

Though making up your bed can feel like a real hassle, if you get into the habit of doing it every single day, eventually it will be something you do without even thinking about it. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can even make her bed for her.

You can also keep it smelling fresh by opening the window for a few minutes every day.

For example, you can take the trash out, sweep the kitchen floor, put away the dishes, fold the laundry, or clean the windows. These are just examples, so try to look for things that you know your mom will appreciate.

One good way to get on your mom’s good side is to always compliment her cooking. Even if you don’t really like what she made for you, you should still eat it. Tell her that she did a great job cooking, and that you really appreciate it.

You can tell your mom you love her anytime, but good times include when she drops you off for school and before you go to sleep at night. Remember that, although you don’t have to talk about everything with your mother, telling her about your life is always a great idea so you can bond and offer each other support. [5] X Expert Source Maggie MitchellLife Coach Expert Interview. 18 October 2021.

Don’t forget her birthday! Unless your family doesn’t celebrate birthdays, your mom’s feelings will probably be hurt if you forget about it, especially if she goes out of her way to make your birthday special. If you give her a gift for no reason, when you give it to her, you can say something like, “I made this for you because you’ve been working really hard lately, and I want you to know that I care. ”

For example, you can say, “I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re the best mom anyone could ask for. You’re always there for me, and it really means a lot. ”

Don’t forget that moms like to have fun and be silly just as much as anyone. [7] X Expert Source Maggie MitchellLife Coach Expert Interview. 18 October 2021.

Try to remind yourself that your mom is doing her best for you, and even if her reason for not letting you do something seems stupid to you, it probably makes sense to her. By behaving maturely, your mom will see that you are becoming a fully-formed, responsible adult. Thus, in the future, she might be more willing to let you do what you ask. If you really disagree with something, then talk with your mom about the matter respectfully. Before you approach her, make sure you have gone through all the reasons you disagree with something so that she’ll see you’re not just approaching her because you’re angry.

For example, if she asks you to clean up your room, but you have a TV show coming on in 5 minutes that you really want to see, just tell her the truth. Say, “Mom, I know I need to clean up my room, and I promise to get straight to it in about 30 minutes, but my favorite TV show is about to come on. Can I please watch it first?” Complete the task without complaining about it. Complaining will only make your mom feel annoyed.

If you are struggling with a concept that you are learning, get help. Go talk to your teacher after class and explain that you are struggling, they may be able to offer extra help or at least direct you to a tutor who can help you. You can also ask your mom for help with homework if you think she would enjoy helping you.

This is especially true if you’re the oldest. As the oldest, your mom probably expects you to be the most mature of your siblings. You can even try to help out your siblings when they need it. If your mom sees that you are being kind and helpful to them when you normally fight with them, she will be really impressed.