Respond in a mature way. Do not throw tantrums or give them the silent treatment. These responses will only confirm in their minds that they’re doing the right thing. If possible, try to talk with your parents when you’re all calm, not in the heat of the moment. This way, you can try to convince them to give you an alternative punishment that is more in line with the rule you broke.

Try beginning the conversation with something like, “I know I made a mistake and I’m very sorry. I see now that what I did was wrong and I will work hard not to repeat this action in the future. "

Try playing with your siblings or running around with your dog. Spend some time outdoors or bake some cookies with your mom. Or suggest an activity that your whole family can do together like going for a hike or playing a board game.

Actually saying the words is important here. Show your parents you are truly thankful for providing for you by saying thank you.

Try beginning the conversation with something like, I know I broke your trust with my actions. I am very sorry and I hope that you will forgive me.