If you tweet duplicate content, you can be in Twitter Jail for several days. Limit the amount of links you use in your tweets. Only tweeting outside links is a red flag for a spam account, and can put you in Twitter Jail.

Following 1,000 people a day will put you in Twitter Jail for 1 day. The site refers to this as “aggressive following. ” Following more than 2,000 people without having many followers can stop you from following anyone new until more people are following your account. The 2,000 following restriction is calculated by a ratio. These are account specific and currently unpublished.

Read the step above to see how long you are likely to have an inactive account. Your error message may read “Your Account Has Been Suspended. ” Make sure you aren’t in serious violation of other Twitter rules. Read them at http://support. twitter. com/entries/18311. After several hours or a day, you can try to tweet again, and it should go through.

Many people find it easier to end up in Twitter Jail if they are using a third-party Twitter client, a blog, a phone app and a computer.

Email twitter. com/support with your account name and problem. If Twitter believes they have associated you with spam incorrectly they will reinstate your account and apologize. It may take several hours for the account to return to normal. [3] X Research source

Dial back your tweeting for a week, to see if your results actually improve as you are more discerning.

Try to associate the accounts to each other, so that it will be easy to gain followers who are familiar with your first account.

Reducing your Twitter clients will help you to remain within API limits and keep you out of Twitter Jail.

Every time you post new content, you website may push it to Twitter. If you do not want to tweet new content yourself, then linking your accounts may be the best option. Make sure other website or blog editors are not updating the site more than 100 times per hour or 1,000 times per day, or your blog can put you in Twitter Jail.

Direct messaging limits may be easy to reach if you are using them for work or important conversations. Reach out via email or phone to save time with work conversations or networking.