If you were a victim of a crime or traumatic event, seek professional support before you replay the scene so that you can process it effectively without emotionally hurting yourself more. If you have long-term issues with trusting others, you may have several instances come to mind. This long phase may be because of the number of people that have deceived you. Think about your role in the scene. Be honest with yourself about what part you played in the situation. Did you ignore signs of betrayal or were you completely blindsided? Think about the situation from the other person’s perspective. What were they feeling? Why would they deceive you? Do you think they really had bad intentions or was there something else going on?

Even if your reason for mistrust is something that happened a long time ago, you may still have negative feelings related to it. You may feel as though you can’t trust yourself. For example, you may wonder, “If I was so wrong to trust this person, how can I be sure I’m a good judge of anything else”. [2] X Research source You might also feel denial (you can’t believe it happened) or depression, and even a sense of loss over the broken relationship. [3] X Research source

Write about it. Whether it’s on your journal, a letter to yourself, a song, a text you don’t send, whatever. Just write it out. Do something active. Physical activity (especially on a regular basis) can help you release tension and negative energy. So take a jog or go to the gym. Talk to someone you do trust. Share what happened and how you are feeling about it. If you need to, just talk to yourself in the mirror.

This keeps you from rebuilding trust in people. If all you are looking for is the worst in people, then you will both overlook some of the good things they do and perceive the other good things they do with suspicion. Try to focus more on the positive aspects of people. For example, you might focus on a coworker’s talent for public speaking or your significant other’s kindness.

Because people aren’t perfect, there will come a time again that someone lies to you, disappoints you, betrays or abandons you. [5] X Research source Understand that it is a mistake that they are probably very sorry for. Focus on moving past betrayal rather than continuing to blame. Especially in the relationships that are important to you, don’t get stuck thinking about what happened or even what could happen. Accept that a mistake was made and focus on getting past it.

Especially if the person has sincerely apologized, try to acknowledge the things they are doing now to restore your trust. Even if the person has not apologized, accept what they did and forgive them so that you can move past the situation. If the betrayal was especially bad, you may need to distance yourself from the person for a while to work up to forgiveness.

For example, you might reflect on a trustworthy friend who always told you the truth, even if it meant it would upset you. Then, you could compare this behavior to an untrustworthy boyfriend who always told you what he thought you wanted to hear. You can then use these behavior patterns to help you determine if someone is trustworthy or not.

Trust that you can pick up on deception. Usually, when recalling an instance of mistrust, people realize they had a feeling of misgiving that they ultimately ignored. [8] X Research source Trust that you can identify the good in people. Believe that just like you can probably tell when someone isn’t being honest, you can also tell when people are being sincere and heartfelt. Trust yourself to let your guard down a little bit. You may not feel completely emotionally comfortable around people for a while, but the only way to begin trusting again is to risk letting someone get close to you.

If you have been betrayed many times over the course of your life, then learning to trust again may be more difficult. For example, if you have been experiencing betrayal since childhood, then you might have learned that it is dangerous to trust people and you will likely need the help of a therapist to start trusting again.

If possible, determine why your trust was broken. Ask why they weren’t honest with you and openly listen to the answer. [9] X Research source It may mean explaining to someone that is getting to know you that you have a hard time trusting people right now. If the person means a lot to you, and you want a successful relationship with them, then you should share this with them. Talk about how you feel. Explain exactly how you feel and felt when you lost trust in people. For example, try saying, ”When I found out you told my secret, it made me feel confused, hurt, angry, and lost. ”

If you need to, set clear boundaries and expectations for what is okay and what is not. [10] X Research source Let people know, in a respectful way, what you are and aren’t alright with talking about. Let down your guard a little bit at a time and give people the opportunity to get to know you. Share a little more about you each time you interact. It can be a little scary, but, most likely, worth it as you get to know each other better and build a trusting relationship.

Keep in mind that sometimes when we look for or expect the worse in people, that is all we find. Take the time and effort to look for the good and positive in people. If you need to, keep a list or make tally marks each time someone does something to rebuild trust. Give people credit for their effort; whether it’s something as small as being on time, to something as large as being honest in a difficult situation.

For example, you might need to find a marriage counselor if your lack of trust stems from being cheated on by your spouse.