Go for a hike with your favorite snacks and best pal. Listen to your all-time favorite album while sitting in the sun. Reread a book you love with a bar of chocolate. Meditate in a beautiful, outdoor location.

You may feel so many different things after facing a rejection: embarrassment, jealousy, anger, sadness. At the end of the day, only you can process and make peace with those feelings.

For example, maybe you showed up late to a date and you think that affected your date’s opinion of you. In the future, work on being on time for your dates. This improves your chances of successful dates in the future. Your rejection caused personal growth!

“I am smart, I am friendly, and I am a hard worker. ” “I always try be honest and a good friend. "

Say you get rejected for a job you were excited about. Your next thought may be, “If I didn’t get this job, I’ll have to settle for one I hate. I’ll have no other choice!” An objective alternative might be: “There are so many jobs out there I could love, and more are posted everyday. Realistically, I’ll find one I love eventually!”

Reflect on which thoughts spur negative feelings. Try hashing it out with a friend or simply pay close attention to your daily thoughts. For example, say you get rejected by your dream grad school. You may realize that you’re more worried about feeling insufficient than you are about school. It might help to work on your self-esteem.

Imagine you’re consoling someone you love when battling negative self-talk. If they said, “She didn’t like me because I’m weird, and I’ll always be weird,” you’d probably say something reassuring like: “You’re amazing! Everybody wants different things, and you have no idea what was going on in her life. " It can be tough, but if you get through this without letting the experience knock your self-esteem or warp your worldview, you’ll be a happier and more resilient person down the line!

Invite your best mate for a bike ride around the city. Call a parent or sibling and enjoy a nice long chat. Corral a group of friends and have a picnic in your favorite spot.

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Focus on eating 3 nutritious meals per day. Get moving! You can go for a hike, ride a bike, or go for a swim.