It sounds harsh, but getting rid of all the things that make you remember the relationship is usually the best way to recover.

You probably thought things would go very well because of how good of friends you were and how well you knew them. However, you will never truly know this person until you have seen a certain side of them. People change when they start dating, especially friends. As the relationship matures and grows, things change and people change. It’s life.

Always try to take ownership of the ways in which you might have contributed to the breakup. Take a closer look at that and maybe work on it. Do your best to see the other person with compassion, as they are also dealing with a breakup, even though they might have been the one to prompt it.

Instead of sad music, listen to fast, upbeat music, and other music that usually makes you think of good times you have had with friends and family. In short, listen to music that makes you happy. Also, listen to movies and stories that make you happy, and maybe even write your own. Those are good relievers.