Most of these fears generate during an individual’s childhood. A therapist will help you to “unlearn” these fears.

A person who has been traumatized by a personal experience may need to undergo counseling before seeking out any type of exposure therapy. Most cases of “ophidiophobia” are caused by misinformation and popular media. [3] X Research source Knowing exactly why you are afraid of snakes can help you overcome your fear. [4] X Research source

If you have learned to fear snakes from popular media or word of mouth, you will need to unlearn these fears by researching hard facts.

It’s always easier to get over a fear if you have help from someone who cares for you and supports you.

A therapist will prescribe a series of activities or exercises that are designed to undo any “conditioning” that you may have undergone. In extreme cases, many hours of conditioning therapy may be required before starting any exposure therapy.

How does the skin feel? Does it feel as you expected? Try to imagine a living snake moving against your skin.

Pay attention to the snake’s movements. If the snake is coiled-up, it may be cold and trying to maintain its body temperature.

The animal handler will be able to answer any questions you may have about snakes. Be prepared to see a variety of snakes. Only get as close to the snake as you feel comfortable.