To determine if you have health insurance, ask a parent, check with your school, or check your former insurer’s website to see if your past coverage is still valid. The key thing is to find out whether or not you currently have coverage and, if not, to look into getting some to help with the costs of your medical visits and medications. If you already have a connection with a healthcare provider, such as a family doctor, you can ask him or her about common insurance plans that his or her patients have, as well as which health insurance he or she recommends for you. It is wise to consult the doctors you will be seeing about health insurance (if you do not have any), to ensure that the coverage you purchase will be most effective for you (and will cover the doctors you choose to see). Coverage in the United States can be purchased through marketplace from November 1st of the year prior to it taking effect (for example, November 1, 2015, to purchase insurance for the year of 2016) all the way through to January 31st of the year the insurance applies to (in this same example, January 31, 2016, to purchase insurance for the year of 2016). If you miss this 3-month registration period, you will need to wait until the following year to purchase health insurance. [1] X Research source You may also have to pay a penalty fee for not being insured. For families and people with low income, the Medicaid Program in the United States may be an option. Other countries may offer universal healthcare coverage to everyone. In many countries other than the U. S. , you may not need health insurance.

Find a family doctor first. A family doctor is normally your gateway into the healthcare system and, if you need specialist care, your family doctor can provide the necessary referrals to set you up with specialists. Depending on where you live, a General Practitioner or GP might be a good place to start. Ask family or friends in the area who have a family doctor if they can ask for a referral. Oftentimes family doctors will take members of the same families that they already treat, even if they are not accepting “new patients” from the general population, so it is worth looking into. Look online to find a resource that lists available family physicians in your area. Often the local physician licensing board will have such a list available, to help with people’s search for a family doctor in their area. Use walk-in clinics until you are able to get routine care from a family physician. While you spend time and energy looking for a family doctor, it is key not to put your healthcare on hold. Go to a walk-in clinic in the meantime, until you are able to find a doctor who can consistently care for you, as using a walk-in clinic is better than neglecting your routine healthcare checkups altogether. Check your insurance provider’s website. Most insurance companies have a list of the providers in their network on their websites. You can search using your zip code or post code and other criteria to find a doctor near you.

Blood pressure checks once every three to five years for healthy adults between 18 and 39 years old. Patients who are overweight, African American, or have significant family history should have their blood pressure checked once every year. [4] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Lipid / Cholesterol levels once between the ages of 17 to 21, then more often if the levels are abnormal, or once every one to two years if the levels are normal starting at age 35 for men and 45 for women. Weight and BMI (body mass index) at every visit to monitor for obesity. If you are obese, then you will need to be screened for diabetes with a hemoglobin A1C test at least one time and then again every three to five years. Pap smear for women aged 21 to 29 years old once every three years. Women aged 30 to 65 years only need to have a Pap and an HPV test once every five years, but once every three years is also okay. [5] X Trustworthy Source American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Professional association of OB/GYNs focused on education and public outreat initiatives Go to source HIV test at least one time in your lifetime. However, you may need to get tested more often if you engage in certain behaviors that increase your risk, such as having unprotect sex with multiple partners, sharing needles, having sex for money, or having sex with someone who is HIV positive. [6] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source

At the time you call to make your appointment, it is wise to ask about the insurance coverage you have and the amount of copay you may need to provide to pay for your portion of the visit. Knowing this information ahead of time prevents you from inadvertently receiving a bill that you did not expect at the end of the appointment.

If you have a fairly extensive or complicated past medical history, then arrange to have your previous medical records sent directly to your new doctor’s office before your appointment. For example, if you have been hospitalized many times, have had complex surgeries, or have a chronic condition that you have been treated for over many years, then you should arrange to have you medical records sent to your new doctor. It is also key to have with you a list of all the medications that you are currently taking, including dosages and the reason you are on each medication. Medication management is one of the key jobs of a family doctor, so having this information available upfront can make this task much easier. Note any medications that you are running low on, so that you can ask your doctor for prescription refills if needed. This is something you do not want to forget to do at your routine checkup.

It is important to answer these questions honestly, so that your doctor can accurately assess your risk for certain health concerns that may be associated with your lifestyle choices. Note that doctors are trained to provide a safe and non-judgmental space so that you feel comfortable sharing personal information in an honest and open way.

You may be more susceptible to diseases that others in your family have had, and this may influence the way that your doctor approaches your routine health checkup. This is why it is key information to share with your doctor. You may also be eligible for additional testing (such as genetic testing for cancer, if this runs in your family), which is another reason to openly share your family health history with your doctor.

Do not be afraid to share concerns with your doctor, even if you think they are “trivial. " It is your doctor’s job to address them, and anything that is causing you concern is worth exploring with your doctor. (At the very least, if it does not turn out to be something serious, it can at least bring you peace of mind to talk about it. ) Also use your appointment to ask any questions you may have about your health, your medical diagnoses, and/or your treatment plans.

Your doctor can then let you know whether there is time to cover all of your concerns in one appointment, or whether a second appointment will be needed. It is best to cover each issue thoroughly, rather than to try to cram them all into one appointment.

Depending upon your specific health history, you may also be due for routine blood tests and/or other tests that relate to specific illnesses.

If you do have ongoing health concerns, your doctor will likely spend additional time examining the affected area of your body. He or she may also order further investigative tests of that area, such as possible imaging tests (like an x-ray, a CT scan, or an ultrasound).

He or she will also discuss any additional investigative tests that may need to be performed. Your doctor will let you know when to return for your next appointment. Any specialist appointments or referrals (if needed) can be completed at this time.

This way, if you do have a medical condition, it can be addressed and treated as early as possible, which usually leads to the best outcome. Also, if it turns out not a serious medical issue, seeing your doctor can at least provide you with peace of mind.

Reasons for more frequent appointments include monitoring for any progression of symptoms, obtaining repeat blood tests or other tests, and getting prescription refills, among other things.