The first-person shooter has managed to build on the conventions of the Call of Duty franchise as a whole and create a fluid action-based experience. Unsurprisingly, the reboot of one of the most commercially successful games of all time has sold well, but it has also relied on more contemporary practices. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has received plenty of updates to entertain players, but it has also released several cosmetic items and bundles that are locked behind a paywall.

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The new Eternal Samurai bundle offers players a shield that has a “Shogun” skin, a “Forever Loyal” calling card, a “Bushido” emblem, and perhaps most importantly a “Daimyo” samurai sword. This content is highly stylized and breaks up the usual items that are usually obtained or purchased in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The bundle is not earnable through challenges but can be purchased for 1000 COD points, which works out at just under 10 US dollars. Some players will be frustrated that new weapons and aesthetically pleasing items cannot be earned, while others will be happy to pay this price to stand out from the many players of the game.

This pack seems to tap into the recent excitement around the samurai game Ghost of Tsushima and it wouldn’t be the first time that the title has incorporated pop culture into its items. There have been nods to the Tiger King in Modern Warfare and these kinds of unofficial tie ins may become part of the marketing strategy in the game. It is certainly a profitable avenue to explore if players do pay 1000 COD Points for the items.

There is a lot of content coming to Modern Warfare and some players will not mind certain items only being available to those who want to pay extra. On the other hand, there will be fans who believe they should have the full game once they have purchased the title.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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