Note that you can only send in 1 ticket request per household, and multiple requests can get you disqualified. There is no way to request a specific show or number of tickets. Shows are randomly assigned, and the ticket number is set for every entrant. Keep in mind that nobody under 16 is allowed to attend the show.

If selected, your email from NBC will contain 2 tickets for an upcoming show. You might be chosen to attend the live broadcast or get access to the dress rehearsal beforehand—again, it’s a random assignment. You’ll only get a response from NBC if you’re selected for tickets. If you don’t hear back, assume you didn’t win—but don’t worry because there’s another (arguably more efficient) way to get tickets.

The maximum number of tickets you can get via the standby line is 4. Make sure you’ve made a plan for navigating standby with your fellow attendees before applying! Keep in mind that any emails sent before or after the times noted above won’t be counted. Double-check to make sure there’s a show that week before gearing up to brave the standby line. SNL airs reruns at various points throughout the season, usually due to holidays.

The actual standby line is in-person and virtual reservations aren’t mandatory, but a reservation number allows you to get in line first and have a better shot at attending—so it’s well worth the effort!

Bring your photo ID and proof of full COVID-19 vaccination to the standby line; both will be checked multiple times throughout the process before you’re allowed into the show. Make sure everyone you listed in your reservation email is present for check-in. Anybody who doesn’t arrive for check-in will have to give up their spot in line. If you don’t have a standby reservation number, you can still line up after 7 pm EST on Friday.

You ARE allowed to take fast and infrequent food and bathroom breaks. Get food in the immediate area to-go, and use the Rockefeller concourse public bathrooms that are open from 8 am to 11 pm daily. NBC doesn’t allow any “line-sitters” or other shortcuts to create a fair process for everyone. [7] X Research source

If you can’t make up your mind, or you want to know which show more people are signing up for, you can always ask an NBC worker and make your decision based on that! Although it’s typically a little easier to get into the dress rehearsal (since more people pick the live show), roughly the same number of people are admitted to both on average. It’s important to remember that even once you’re handed a ticket, you still aren’t guaranteed to get into the show. You’ll have to return later to see if there’s room for you in the audience.

Make sure you arrive at the gift shop no later than the return time listed on your card. You may lose your chance to see the show otherwise. Once past the NBC Shop and security, you’ll have to keep waiting as you slowly work toward the studio. Don’t get discouraged—security only waves through 20 people at a time, but more than that usually gets into the show. You aren’t guaranteed a spot until you’re actually seated inside Studio 8H. However, according to many seasoned SNL standby attendees, your chances of getting in once you reach the elevators of Rockefeller Plaza are high![10] X Research source

Based on the experiences of frequent standby attendees, you’ve got a decent chance of getting into the show if you’re within roughly the first 80 people of the line. [12] X Research source

The official NBC site states that items like sleeping bags, mattresses, tents, and lounge chairs (longer and bulkier than regular camping chairs) are not allowed, so be prepared for those rules to be enforced. [15] X Research source The standby line is also a great place to chat with other SNL enthusiasts. Don’t be afraid to talk with your line neighbors if you’re comfortable with it.

Hosts and musical guests leave through a different entrance, so don’t expect to see them here. Occasionally, the weekly host will visit the standby line on Friday, but it’s not common and definitely not a guarantee.