If you are trying to get away because the relationship isn’t working, then you should probably consider ending it.

Alternatively, your boyfriend may want, or would probably enjoy, a “guy’s night” with his friends. Letting him have it on occasion can be a good opposite to your girl’s night, or just a way to get some time for yourself. [7] X Research source

Be specific. Say what it is for, even if it’s as simple as “I need an afternoon to myself. " Vague statements like “I just need some alone time” can make him nervous. Let him know where you are going and what you are doing. [10] X Research source [11] X Research source Make it about yourself. Talking about “needing space” makes it sound as if you are pushing him away. Instead, talk about “me time” or “time for myself. “[12] X Research source

If your relationship has gone on long enough, you will probably be able to find some routines. These can involve times where you will have time apart from one another. Setting a schedule can be a good way to make sure both of you get the space you need, and quality time together. [16] X Research source

Make sure you clearly let him know how this time will help make your relationship stronger, and that you still care about him.

Be prepared for the possibility that he will come to that conclusion as well. Taking a break is a risk, but it may be a worthwhile one if your relationship has grown stale or stagnant.