It was not even possible to do Molten Core alone until two expansions after it was released.

If none of your friends are available to help, you can go to a major city and try to form a group by asking in the public chat channels. Some players may also be willing to sell tours of Molten Core (or other raids) via the trade chat channel.

This is a steep difference from going in at level 60 where you will die within 20 seconds without getting healed.

Originally, you would have had to do a quest before Lothos Riftwaker would teleport you, but now that the quest is several years old, it’s been changed and you don’t need to do it anymore.

It will take 2 other people with him to create the summoning portal, so in total it takes 3 other people besides yourself.

When you move your mouse over an enemy, it will show their level on their nameplate. If you are looking at a boss, his nameplate will read “Level ?? Boss,” and there will be a picture of a skull.

These Core Hounds are linked together in packs of 5, and they will revive a few seconds after dying unless all other Core Hounds in their pack are also dead. It’s suggested to use area-of-effect (AOE) abilities on the Core Hounds.

If you killed a boss and got locked to an instance, then you will not be able to join another instance of Molten Core in the same week. For example, if your friend killed a boss in a separate instance, you will not be able to join his instance until Tuesday. This also means you can only kill a boss once per week, since once you kill the boss he is dead in your instance until the reset.

The lockouts always reset on Tuesdays.