If the other person draws away or does not return the contact, it is a sign they are uncomfortable with the touch. Do not continue physical contact. Furthermore, this may be a sign of disinterest.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show? Have you seen the latest ____? Do you have pets? Are you a dog person or a cat person? Do you play sports? Do you like to compete in any local leagues? What do you do for a living? Do you enjoy your job? How did you get into that field? What is your dream vacation? Do you like to travel? Where is the most exciting place you’ve ever been?

For example: “Can we talk? I love you very much, but I have been struggling lately with _____. This makes me feel _____. ” Emphasize to your partner that you want to work on the relationship using “we” phrases. “How can we work on this?” “Is there a way for us to solve this?”

Just as your significant other should respect your boundaries, remember to respect theirs. If they have a passion or hobby that you don’t share, let them pursue it.