Of course, it won’t be easy to fall asleep if your room is frigid, so find a temperature that works for you, just try to err on the cool side. Remember that it’s better to pile on the blankets in a cold room than to kick off the covers in a hot room. If you suffer from hot flashes or night sweats, there are other things you can do to keep yourself cool. Consider investing in a cooling mattress pad and some moisture-wicking sheets to keep body temperature down and draw sweat from the skin.

Maintaining cleanliness will help you sleep easily, as when you are relaxed, you tend to sleep faster.

Avoid having a light up clock in your bedroom. Knowing that it’s 3 A. M. and you’re still wide awake is not going to help the situation. It will simply increase your anxiety and make falling asleep even less likely. [2] X Research source Avoid installing a television or games console in your bedroom and try not to bring your laptop to bed. You want your brain to identify your bedroom as a place of peace and sleep, not one of work and play. Turn off your cell phone or at least put it on ‘do not disturb’ mode. Make sure that your phone is away from you, as you might have pop-up notifications coming from your screen, or calls, which will make you feel disturbed. If you need to have it next to you, keep your phone switched off. If it’s sitting on your bedside table, the temptation to check your emails, your Facebook page, or even the time will keep you awake. Make sure you have around 1-2 hours without technology before bed.

Don’t keep thinking about how lack of sleep today will cause your day to be bad tomorrow, as that will only keep you wider awake.

If buying a new mattress seems a little extreme, consider a new set of sheets. Go for as high a thread count as possible and choose a finish based on your individual preferences. For crisp, cool sheets, go with percale. For warmth and comfort, choose flannel. For a touch of luxury, use Egyptian cotton. You can also purchase a mattress pad for a different level of support and comfort. Launder your sheets at least once a week – people tend to sleep better on crisp, clean sheets. Also try to get into the habit of making your bed every morning. A made-up bed is much more inviting than a messy one.

Sprinkle a few drops of the essential oil on a piece of cloth and slip it under your pillowcase. Dilute a few drops of the oil in some water and place it in a diffuser in your bedroom, or use the lavender water to iron your sheets. If you can swing it, get a partner to give you a relaxing massage using the lavender oil as a massage oil. Lavender bags are also useful to put under your pillow or something If lavender isn’t your thing, there are other relaxing and calming scents you can experiment with in your quest for sleep. Bergamot, marjoram, sandalwood and geranium aromatherapy oils are all good options.

Another option is to invest in a white noise machine or app, which produces random sounds at a variety of frequencies, thus masking other noises. True white noise can be somewhat harsh sounding, so many of these machines produce what are known as “color” noises, which are softer and may sound like a rushing waterfall or a gentle hum. You could also just find a cd with some relaxing music, or even sounds from nature, and leave that softly playing in the background as you sleep. Try not to sleep with earphones in though, as these can become uncomfortable or get tangled while you sleep.

You can enhance the sleep-inducing qualities of your bath even further by adding a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or chamomile oil, to the water. And why not add some soothing music and light some candles, while you’re at it? If you don’t have time for a bath (or don’t have a bathtub) a hot shower will produce the same effect. Just try to keep the water temperature above 37 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) and stay in there for at least 20 minutes, for best results. [6] X Research source

Any snack that contains complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain bread or cereals, is good because these increase your body’s tryptophan levels. Tryptophan is a chemical which encourages the brain to produce more serotonin, a happy, relaxing hormone which induces sleep. [7] X Research source Some great bedtime snacks to consider are any kind of nuts or seeds (especially pumpkin seeds), whole grain bread or crackers with a little cheese, or cereal and warm milk. Avoid anything very greasy or spicy.

If pajamas feel too constricting, consider going naked. Many people enjoy the sensation of freedom and comfort that comes with sleeping nude, particularly on hot nights. Just make sure no one is likely to walk in on you, especially if you’re prone to kicking off the covers!

Try lying on your back on the bed or on the ground and bending your right leg as if trying to touch your knee to your chin. You should feel the stretch in your hamstring and lower back. Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, then repeat with the other leg. Sit in a cross-legged position, place your right hand on the floor beside you and raise your left arm above your ear. Lean to the right, keeping your shoulders down and your butt cheeks on the floor. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds then repeat on the other side. This stretches your neck, back, shoulders and obliques. For more stretching techniques, see the article how to stretch.

If you choose to read, don’t go for anything too exciting or scary, as this might get your heart racing! Choose something a little duller, like a newspaper or textbook, which will soon have your eyelids drooping. Some people find writing in a journal very therapeutic, as it helps them to get any problems or issues out of their mind and on paper instead. Alternatively, you could try making lists, such as everything you ate that day, or the errands you need to run tomorrow. This can be tedious and should hopefully have you nodding off in no time. Simple word or number games, such as sudoku or crossword puzzles can be a pleasant nighttime activity which can help tire out your brain before sleep.

It is recommended that you do guided meditation if you are new to it. If you don’t want to meditate, just listen to relaxing instrumental music with your eyes closed or while doing a small activity such as knitting or reading.

Count to 10 while taking a deep breath in and count to 10 again while taking a deep breath out.

Caffeine can last in your system up to five hours after it was consumed, so it’s usually best to have your last cup coffee around lunch time. Switch to non-caffeinated herbal teas for the rest of the evening, and try a special “sleepy-time” blend, with ingredients like chamomile or valerian, before bed.

Melatonin is a hormone which regulates sleep. It can be purchased inexpensively in supplement form – usually a low dosage taken before bedtime will do the trick. If you find yourself still waking up, try an extended-release option. Chlor Trimeton, a type of antihistamine, is another supplement that causes drowsiness and can help with sleeping problems. Valerian root is one of the oldest known treatments for insomnia, but nowadays you can take it in supplement form rather than drinking a tea made from boiling the root itself. It is believed to improve the quality of sleep in addition to reducing the time it takes to nod off. [11] X Research source

Try aerobic exercise like running, swimming or cycling to tire your body out, in addition to a multitude of other health benefits. Try to exercise early in the day, if possible, as exercising in the three hours before bedtime can leave you too pumped to sleep. [12] X Research source

Over time, this will allow your internal body clock to naturally recognize when it’s time to go to sleep, helping you to fall asleep faster. Don’t worry if you sleep in a little on the weekends, as this can actually be good for your body and help it to heal and restore itself after the stresses of the week. [13] X Research source