A Boot Camp and Dark Ops challenge are completed by Black Ops Cold War players scoring a set number of kills while underwater. Moreover, completing one rewards an awesome Frogman Calling Card.

Getting a kill underwater can be difficult. There is really only one map that this can be done on. The pool in Miami just doesn’t cut it. Players need to make their way to Armada. The Black Ops Cold War map that is literally in the ocean.

How to get Underwater Kills in Black Ops Cold War

The Frogman challenge allows players to be killed while they are anywhere. The Dark Ops challenge requires that players be on a ship or on land. It is best to just get all of the kills this way. Then, they will count toward both challenges.

The first step is the easiest. Get underwater. Players can dive off of the side of the ship on Armada and submerge themselves. When underneath the water, players can aim and shoot like normal. Vision is obscured by the water and movement is decreased.

The best game mode options are to play Hardpoint or games on the Hardcore playlist. In Hardpoint, the middle area surrounded by water is a location to be captured. This makes it easy to wait for enemies and rack up kills there.

In Hardcore modes, one shot kills will still take place while submerged. A DMR will do wonders here. It is quick, accurate, and will complete these Black Ops Cold War challenges in no time.

Stay moving while in the water and possibly add a suppressor so the location isn’t given away. Otherwise, press the crouch button when in the water to go under and fire away.

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