In order to get a cultural victory in Civilization 6, players have to build up enough tourism that it forces the cultures of other countries to be replaced. There are many ways to approach this victory as well.

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The main key to cultural victories are Great Works. These are pieces created by Great Writers, Great Artists, Great Musicians, Archaeologists, and Martyrs. Having these creations on display will be the main way for players to get tourism.

The three Great People that produce Great Works need to be obtained with the normal method of obtaining a Great Person. However, once they are on the field, they need a place to put their work in order for players to obtain a Great Work. Examples include art museums, amphitheaters, and broadcast stations. In order to maximize tourism in museums, it’s best to theme them by having similar works by different artists.

In order to get archaeologists to find artifacts that can be displayed for tourism, players must build an archaeological museum in their theater square. After that, players can train up archaeologists that can excavate sites in order to find artifacts up to three times. Archaeological museums can be themed for more tourism like art museums.

After players have researched conservation, they will be able to purchase naturalists. These units are able to create national parks which also generate tourism. Players will additionally get tourism from city walls after researching conservation with more tourism with higher leveled walls.

Once players have radio researched, they can make builders construct seaside resorts. These locations generate tourism based on the appeal of the tile.

If an apostle with the martyr promotion dies while in theological combat, they will automatically leave behind a relic for their nation that will generate tourism. However, players will get less tourism after other civilizations research the Enlightenment civic unless players have the Cristo Redentor wonder.

Using these methods to generate tourism will allow players to quietly and effectively reach a cultural victory.

Civilization 6 is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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