If you have not unlocked Luigi, read our article on how to unlock Luigi.

The first Bowser level is “Bowser in the Dark World. " It’s behind the star door on the main floor of the castle. Grab Bowser’s tail and throw him into the bombs at the edge of the arena to win! The second Bowser level is “Bowser in the Fire Sea. " To get there, you need to fall into the hole in the floor in the same room as the blue portal to Dire, Dire Docks. Once you get the first star in Dire Dire, Docks, the portal will move back, which lets you fall into the hole. Be careful — Bowser has learned a teleportation move and the entire arena will shift from side to side as he jumps around.

If you’re in a cross-shaped room with three copies of the same painting in different sizes, you’re in the room for Tiny-Huge Island. [3] X Research source Leave and try the other door.

Go down the slide to the lower platform, then cross the gap to the next platform. Hop onto the moving metal platform. Hop off onto the ledge. Turn right and go over the gap. You’ll be caught by a gust of air and lifted up. Land and cross the two platforms to the ice pillars. Continue until you reach the other side. Climb to the top and go into the hole to reach the boss for this level.

Chilly is fought basically the same way you fight the Bullies in the lava level. You can walk up to him and punch him, but this makes it easy for him to hit you. Each time you push him into the water, he gets weaker. If you’re confident, you can use the tackle (attack while running) to knock him back far. Once he’s hanging off the edge, knock him into the water with a normal punch. [5] X Research source Once you have beaten him, grab the key that he drops.

Congratulations! You’ve unlocked Wario.

On the other hand, Wario is less agile than the other characters, meaning that he moves slower than them and doesn’t jump as well, making him a bad choice for exploring new places.

On the other hand, Wario is less agile than the other characters, meaning that he moves slower than them and doesn’t jump as well, making him a bad choice for exploring new places.

For example, you need to make Wario metal for star seven of Jolly Roger Bay. This lets him walk under the water and through the jet stream so that he can reach the star.

Press a to give a powerful whack. This allows you to break things other players can’t. You can also use Wario’s ground pound (done the same way as the other characters) to break things. For instance, you need to do this on star seven of Cool, Cool, Mountain to break the ice on the pond so you can reach the star. He can ground pound posts and signs once rather than two-three times. He is also the only character that can grab signs and throw them. Wario can knock out opponents slightly longer and grab them. Press A to grab an opponent, then use the Touch Screen in a circular pad to swing them around, then press A again to throw them. This only works in VS. Mode.