If you have a high fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit) or spots on your throat, you might have to consult your physician. You should also talk to your doctor if you have trouble staying hydrated or if your symptoms do not get better after a few days. [4] X Research source Many workers cannot afford to take time off because of illness. If this is the case, then you will have to find ways to take care of yourself even while working.

In order for telecommuting to work, you will likely require a secure laptop and a high-speed internet connection as well as a reliable phone.

For example, rather than putting together an entire presentation, tell yourself that you will simply make one slide at a time. After each slide is complete, allow yourself a break to recover: take a short nap or drink some tea.

For example, a day when you are ill might be an excellent time to do mundane, mindless tasks like cleaning out your email inbox, filing documents, or putting together next month’s calendar. Try to avoid tasks that require high-level thinking, such as writing a crucial research report. It is also a good idea to work on first drafts instead of final drafts of papers and projects. [9] X Research source You can reread your drafts when you are feeling more like yourself. This will reduce the likelihood of major errors in the final version.

If your coworkers help you with your duties, be sure that you express your gratitude and that you return the favor when your colleagues feel ill.

Consider asking a friend or family member to pick up these supplies for you if you are too under the weather to leave the house.

Avoid alcohol while you are sick because it can dehydrate you and slow your recovery time.

When you use nasal spray, be sure that you keep facial tissues or a handkerchief nearby. You will likely have to blow your nose immediately after using the spray.

Don’t combine medications to ensure that you don’t experience adverse reactions. [22] X Research source Be sure that you read the instructions carefully, take only the recommended dosage, and be on the lookout for allergic reactions. Even over-the-counter medications can cause side effects: do not treat them like candy.