He might be ignoring you because of other problems in his life, and seeing all your messages can overwhelm him even further.

Say something like, “When I don’t hear from you, I start to get worried that you’re mad at me or something. It’s tough to deal with, and it puts a damper on my entire day. ”

Remember that he might need some time for his hobbies, too. Playing video games or hanging out with his friends might seem silly to you, but they’re still important! If you’ve noticed that he’s busier lately (with a new school year or a different job), this could be the reason he’s ignoring you.

If you don’t feel like going out, make him breakfast in bed or watch your favorite movie together. Romance doesn’t have to cost a fortune! Try turning off your phones until the date is over so you can really focus on each other.

Say something like, “I’ve noticed you’ve been a little distant lately. Is there anything you need to bring up?” Keep in mind that some people will start to pull away when they want to end the relationship. It’s not certain, but it is a possibility.

Ending a relationship is tough, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, dealing with someone who ignores you all the time is probably not your ideal partner.

Some people need time to process their emotions on their own, which could be what your boyfriend is doing.

Try saying something like, “I could tell you were upset when you stopped replying to my texts. Are you okay?” Be sure to listen closely without interrupting so you can get the whole picture. Giving your boyfriend the silent treatment in return will only make things worse. It’s important to open up a line of communication so you two can talk it out.

Try something like, “I know you were upset, but when I didn’t hear from you, I got worried. It made me feel sad and anxious when you wouldn’t answer the phone or reply to my messages. ”

Say something like, “I’m sorry that I made fun of you in class today, I won’t do it again. ”

Giving each other 10 minutes to cool off in a separate room. Writing things down on paper, then reading them to each other. Checking in with each other once a week to go over any problems in the relationship.