Place items on lower shelves where they may not break if knocked over. You could also move items to higher shelves. Keep in mind that cats love to climb and this may not ensure that a curious or adventure-seeking cat won’t be tempted to play with your items. Store collectibles, valuables, and other items that won’t survive a fall in a secured glass case. This may keep prying paws away from your things.

Figure out the places your cat most often knocks over things. It may be the bookshelves in your living room or items from your dresser. Identifying potentially attractive spots to your cat can help you purchase the best barrier. Purchase or use old baby gates to keep your cat from accessing specific rooms such as bedrooms, bathrooms, the kitchen, or your living room. Be aware that some cats can jump over baby gates, so you may want to consider options that are higher. Close the doors to any areas of your home that your cat likes to play in. For example, if your cat loves knocking things down in the bathroom, simply shut the door all day or at times when you’re not home.

Deterrent sprays. Deterrent sprays give off a bad smell that cats avoid. Double-sided tape. Cats don’t like walking on double-sided tape, so you can put it around objects you don’t want your cat to knock over so it doesn’t go near it. Noise deterrents. Noise deterrents have motion sensors, and they emit an unpleasant sound whenever cats go near them. You may also want to mix your own spray by mixing one part each of lavender, peppermint and orange oils to three parts water. Either spray attractive areas with the scent or place cotton balls soaked in it to keep your cat away. [3] X Research source

Feed your cat on a regular schedule every day if possible. If your cat knows its time for food, it may be less likely to knock over your items. For example, feed it every morning and/ or every evening at the exact same time. Consider filling your cat’s dish with a smallish amount of dry cat food. This allows your cat to nibble throughout the day and may deter it from knocking over things to gain your attention.

Be consistent in your punishment. Your cat will eventually figure out that, “No!” means you don’t like her behavior. Consider reinforcing a firm, “No!,” with a squirt of water from a spray bottle right after your cat knocks something over. Recognize that a cat will continue to knock things over when you’re not home or visible. This can counteract any punishment. You can set up “booby traps” for the cat that reinforce your scolding for when you’re not at home. For example, you could put a loud beeper in a vase that makes noise when shaken or dropped. This may scare your cat and remind it not to do knock over the vase. [8] X Research source

Play with your pet at regular and spontaneous times of the day. As with meals, if your cat anticipates playtime coming, it may be less likely to behave badly from boredom. Make sure your family and friends play with your cat, too. This minimizes the risk that your cat feels like knocking things over because it isn’t getting attention.

Catnip or toys filled with catnip[14] X Trustworthy Source The Humane Society of the United States National organization devoted to the promotion of animal welfare Go to source Squeaking or chirping plush toys[15] X Research source Plastic balls, some with jingling bells Balled-up paper Wine corks Pieces of rope Shower rings Cardboard toilet or paper towel tubes

Ribbons or string Feathers Tinsel Sequins or other small decorations Paper clips and rubber bands Pins and needles

Store toys where your cat can’t access them, such as a cabinet or closet. This helps maintain an element of surprise when you give your cat a toy or hide it. Make sure to rotate any toys that you hide throughout the house for your cat.

Exploring surroundings Expressing prey drive Getting your attention Hunger Practicing paw maneuvers Boredom[20] X Research source

Does my cat do this when there is no food in its dish? Does my cat do this when there are other people or company at my home? Does my cat do this when my home is quiet and there is nothing happening? Does my cat get enough time to play? Is it allowed to express natural hunting desires?