Dogs with a healthy weight have ribs that you can see and feel easily, but that don’t seem to “jut out” sharply (this is a sign of being underweight). The vertebrae should be a series of gentle bumps. Viewed from above, the dog should have a slight “hourglass” shape (its waist should be thinner than its hips and shoulders). Viewed from the side, the dog should have an “abdominal tuck” (its chest should be closer to the floor than its stomach). Overweight dogs have ribs that aren’t easy to see or feel underneath a layer of fat. Fat deposits around the base of the tail and waist may also make it hard to see or feel some of the vertebrae. The dog will lack a noticeable “waist” when viewed from above and its stomach may hang as low (or lower) than its chest.

Note: This chart won’t work perfectly for mixed-breed dogs or mutts. You may want to try comparing your dog’s weight to that of a similar breed or use the physical test above.

Obesity-causing problems can include thyroid disorders, Cushing’s disease, and diabetes. [5] X Research source Even if your dog doesn’t have one of these problems, it’s a good idea to take it to the vet if it’s overweight anyway. Your vet will be able to offer expert advice to get your dog back in shape.

You have two options for your dog’s ideal weight — you can either enter the result from the chart linked to in the section above, or, if you want it to lose exactly 10 pounds, just enter 10 pounds less than its current weight. Next, enter its activity level from the list of options. Finally, enter the calories per serving of the dog food you’re using. You can find this on its Nutrition Facts label. The answer you get will be how much you should feed your dog per day, not per meal. Divide this number by two if you feed your dog twice daily to find how much to feed it per meal. Divide by three if you feed it three times daily, and so on.

In addition, free-fed dogs can get in the habit of eating out of boredom, even when they’re not hungry (just like humans). [8] X Research source Switching from free feeding to better feeding practices is easy. One vet source recommends determining how much food the dog needs in each meal (see above), then putting out exactly this amount at each mealtime. If the dog doesn’t finish it within 15 minutes, take it away and don’t offer any more food until the next meal. [9] X Research source It will quickly learn to eat the meals it is given.

In addition, free-fed dogs can get in the habit of eating out of boredom, even when they’re not hungry (just like humans). [8] X Research source Switching from free feeding to better feeding practices is easy. One vet source recommends determining how much food the dog needs in each meal (see above), then putting out exactly this amount at each mealtime. If the dog doesn’t finish it within 15 minutes, take it away and don’t offer any more food until the next meal. [9] X Research source It will quickly learn to eat the meals it is given.

Playtime Exercise Petting Cuddling If you do need to use treats, use very small portions. Most dogs are simply attracted to the tantalizing smell of the treat — they don’t need to use them as a major source of calories. [10] X Expert Source Beatrice TavakoliProfessional Dog Trainer Expert Interview. 26 February 2021.

A good selection of well-reviewed dog foods are available here. [12] X Research source If your new dog food has a different calorie content than your old food, don’t forget to use the calorie calculator again to determine your dog’s new portion sizes. Dogs can have digestive distress if their entire diet is suddenly changed. To avoid this, try introducing the new food gradually. You can try offering frequent small meals or mixing it with the dog’s old food at first, then transition to two or three meals per day of the new food. [13] X Research source

In addition, because these foods weren’t part of dogs’ natural diets, they can produce unexpected digestive effects. In particular, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, avocado, some nuts, grapes and raisins, raw meat and eggs, dairy, onions, garlic, and chives can produce side effects that range from mild to severe. [14] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source

Consistency is important here. Be sure to educate the people you live with not to feed the dog improper foods. If they do, the dog will quickly learn who’s “soft” and won’t lose its bad habits. You’ll also want to avoid leaving food in places where your dog can get it while it’s adjusting to its new diet.

Consistency is important here. Be sure to educate the people you live with not to feed the dog improper foods. If they do, the dog will quickly learn who’s “soft” and won’t lose its bad habits. You’ll also want to avoid leaving food in places where your dog can get it while it’s adjusting to its new diet.

Keeping a dog from meeting its natural exercise needs isn’t just unhealthy — it’s unfair to the dog. A lack of exercise can leave the dog unhappy and hyperactive, leading to numerous behavior disorders. These include excessive barking, destructive chewing, abnormal sleep schedules, rough play, and more. [16] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source

Good for nearly all breeds: Fetch, neighborhood walks, chase, tug-of-war, play-wrestling, laser pointer play, playtime with other dogs. Good for breeds with high exercise needs: Running or jogging, hikes, prolonged soccer-style games, swimming (best for natural water dogs — do not allow dogs to swim unattended).

Circle around your dog a few times, talking in an encouraging voice, and then start moving in the direction you want it to go. This will often make dogs want to follow you. Teach your dog the “Let’s go” command. See here for more information. [17] X Research source Give the dog a chance to rest, then, when it gets up on its own, offer it a small treat (or some affection if it’s on a strict diet). Don’t use the treat to make it get up in the first place — this will just reward its laziness. If nothing you do seems to make your dog want to exercise, bring it to a vet to rule out health problems.

If your dog has any health conditions you are aware of, talk to a vet before starting its exercise program. Some issues, like many heart conditions, can get worse with exercise.

One pet care agency with a wide reach is Fetch! Pet Care, which has services in most (but not all) U. S. states. You can try to find a location near you with the service locator available here. [18] X Research source Not that Fetch! is a franchise business, so quality can vary from location to location. You may also be able to find local small businesses willing to provide similar services. Be sure to look for reviews or testimonials on sites like Yelp! to ensure the business you’ve chosen is a reputable one.