Make a couple of offerings you know your kids will like if you’re trying a new recipe. [6] X Research source For example, if you’re making meatloaf for the first time, consider having sides you know your kids will eat such as potatoes, pasta, or cut veggies. [7] X Expert Source Amy ChowPediatric Dietitian Expert Interview. 16 September 2020. Remember that you’re not a short order cook, but you can tailor dishes you are already making. For example, if you’re putting a spicier topping on your meatloaf, consider leaving part of it plain for the kids. Allow them to try the spicy part if they like. [8] X Research source

Avoid forcing your child to eat the food. Simply putting it on the plate and letting them see you and others enjoy the food may be enough to get them to try it without coercion. [12] X Research source This is called positive peer pressure. [13] X Research source

Keep the mixing simple. For example, if your kids don’t like peas, add them to some rice with a little sauce. For zucchini, you could replace a few lasagna noodles with zucchini strips. [16] X Research source Reveal what’s in the dish only when your child says how much they likes it. Remember to stay positive. For example, “I’m so glad you like the lasagna! And you know what else, it has zucchini in it with the noodles. They give it a little extra special taste. ” Remind your child that they’ve tried the dish before and liked it.

Allow your child to try or leave the food on the plate and don’t force them. [19] X Research source They may end up trying the food once they see other people eating it. [20] X Research source Avoid negotiating with your child. [21] X Research source Saying things like “a little bit for Dad” or “1 more bite for Mom” are not normal eating behaviors. [22] X Research source Try avoiding bribery as well. There is no unanimous consensus on bribing your child to eat with promises of food they like, but most experts agree that it is not an advisable practice. [23] X Research source

Tell your child you’re getting the main dish ready and it’s going to be a few minutes. Point out that there is something already on the table and that they can start with that. Remember not to force your child to eat food, which is often ineffective and counterproductive. [25] X Research source If they’re hungry enough, they’ll likely eat it. [26] X Research source

Allow your child to take active part in cooking through chopping, stirring, bringing plated food to the table, or setting the table. Make sure to praise your child at dinner for their help. For example, “Sophie, you did such a great job cooking tonight. Everyone, doesn’t this taste amazing?”

Eat together even if everyone isn’t home. Make sure to explain this to your child. For example, “Mom had a meeting tonight and wanted to be here with us, especially since we’re having this awesome lasagna. ”[30] X Research source Create positive peer pressure during the meal. If your child sees others eating and enjoying food they don’t like, they may be more inclined to try those foods. [31] X Research source Model good behavior for your child by eating and enjoying the same healthy foods that you want your child to eat. [32] X Trustworthy Source Dairy Council of California Resource center focused on providing nutrition education to help consumers make healthy choices about eating and lifestyle habits. Go to source

Selecting nutritious foods from the 5 food groups: vegetables, fruits, grains, low-fat dairy, and quality protein sources like lean meats and eggs. Giving children a variety of food experiences. Staying away from highly processed foods. Using small amounts of sugar, salt, and fats with high nutrition choices to enhance the child’s enjoyment of the food. [35] X Research source

Check the suggested portion size for your child’s age before serving food. [38] X Research source For example, there is a big difference between what a 1 year old should get and what their 5 year old brother or sister should eat. A 1 year old can have ¼ cup cooked vegetables, where a 5 year old can have a ¼ cooked vegetables with ½ cup salad. [39] X Research source Keep the portions on the smaller size, which may be less overwhelming for your child. [40] X Research source Smaller portions also discourage overeating, though you can always give your child more food if they are hungry. [41] X Research source Be aware that many children don’t eat enough at mealtimes to keep themselves full. Aim to give your child 3 meals and 2 snacks every day. [42] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source Make sure the snacks are high quality nutrition such as string cheese, yogurt cups, apple slices, a piece of lean turkey, or whole grain crackers with peanut butter. [43] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source Space out mealtimes and snacks as evenly as possible. Offer snacks well in advance of meals. This can ensure that your child eats a full meal. [44] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source

Be aware that a child’s love of sugar may come from the fact that sugar can be a natural pain reliever in children, as recent research has shown. [47] X Research source However, this doesn’t mean that you should indulge all of your child’s sugar cravings. [48] X Research source Realize that your child’s tastes may change overnight. [49] X Research source Consider avoiding very spicy foods and snacks. Many children may find the flavor too much to handle, but recent studies have also shown they can cause inflammation to the stomach lining as well as abdominal pain. [50] X Research source Be aware that recent studies show that children have larger reactions to unpleasant smelling foods like pungent cheeses. [51] X Research source Allow them to feel out if they want to try “smelly” foods.

Ask your child what her favorite part of the meal is and what she learned at school that day. Keep the tone of your conversations pleasant. This can help your child look forward to mealtimes and may make her more receptive to new foods. [54] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source Give your child a chance to settle down before eating if they’re playing. Tell your child 10 to 15 minutes before dinner starts so they can get themselves ready. [55] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source

Remember that children often won’t like the idea of something new on their plate. [58] X Research source Keep reintroducing the food until the child is used to it. Let your child be a child and remember that change can be difficult for them. [59] X Research source Leave your child alone and don’t force them to eat. [60] X Research source Studies have shown that forcing a child to eat is counterproductive. [61] X Research source Be aware that your child won’t starve if they don’t eat. In fact, they are more likely to learn to be more flexible in their choices than they are to go hungry. [62] X Research source Avoid enforcing unrealistic manners. For example, a spoon is often easier for a child to handle than a fork. [63] X Trustworthy Source FamilyDoctor. org Family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of Family Doctors Go to source