Be proud of what you can do! Think about what you have accomplished in your life thus far. This could be anything - how strong you are, how smart you are, how far you’ve come. Develop a routine to cope with low self esteem. If you start to recognize yourself feeling bad about yourself, do something you enjoy: listen to music, take a walk, or write in a journal. This is not intended to distract you from your low self-esteem, but help you feel positive about the things you enjoy about life. Focus on the good things. If you struggle with your self-image, try making a list of things you enjoy. This will help you redirect your thoughts into a more positive light. For example, if you are worried about the physical state of your thighs, think about the strength you have in your body. If you feel down most of the time and can not seem to get yourself out of it, you may want to consider talking to your doctor. There may be a medical reason behind these feelings. [2] X Research source

Avoid alcohol, drugs, and gambling. You need to be in total control of your faculties in order to focus on your busy life. These activities can be habit forming, and can negatively affect your future. If you struggle with any of these addictions, talk to a trusted adult or your doctor. Be financially smart. The world is an expensive place. Learn to spend responsibly by setting a budget. Being responsible about your money can help you afford important purchases in the future and help you for future emergencies.

Write down your concerns. Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about subjects that might be difficult to voice or may be too embarrassing. You may be afraid to get in trouble. Try writing a letter with your concerns before you present them. Practice what you want to say before you say it. Before you talk to your parents, try practicing what you want to say. Try things like: “Mom, Dad, I have something important to talk about. Do you have a few minutes?” or “Dad, I’m having trouble setting a budget. Can you show me how you do it?”

Say daily affirmations. Look in the mirror every day and say something positive about yourself or your day. Something like: “I am strong. I will handle each problem as it comes. I will take care of myself today. ” Do something nice for someone. Offer to carry groceries for someone who looks like they need it. Help a classmate carry their books. You never know when someone needs a bit of kindness or is having a bad day!

Challenge – What challenge are you facing? What makes it a difficult decision to answer? Example: I am facing peer pressure from my friends and my boyfriend to have sex when I am not sure I am ready. Choices you have – Write down the choices that you can make. This will help you logically think through your options. What can you do? What can you control? What is out of your control? Example: I can have sex. I can not have sex. Consequences of each choice – What are the positive outcomes of your choices? What is the potential negative outcomes? Example: If I have sex, my friends and boyfriend would be happy but I will not be. If I don’t have sex, my friends may laugh at me and my boyfriend may breakup with me. But, I will be happy with myself and feel more confident about being able to stand up for myself.

Sexual health – Planned parenthood (US) [6] X Research source , Family Planning Association (UK)[7] X Research source Depression or mental health – US Hotline[8] X Trustworthy Source National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Suicide prevention network operating a toll-free 24/7 hotline for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts or emotional distress Go to source , UK Hotline[9] X Research source , Australia[10] X Research source Physical or emotional abuse – Kids Health Organization (US) [11] X Research source , Refuge Organization (UK)

Advocate for teen health. Teenagers all around the world do not have access to health services. Join the fight to make sure everyone has adequate health coverage. [12] X Research source Advocate for world peace. If you want to make the world a peaceful place for your generation and the next, join a group that advocates peace. [13] X Research source

Talk to your doctor about safe sex. Doctors are professionally trained to help patients with all kinds of medical things. This includes how to engage in sex safely. They can talk to you about forms of birth control – like oral contraceptives or condoms. They can talk to you about how to get tested for STDs and STIs. Practice safe sex. If you feel you are ready to have sex with a partner, practice safe sex by using a contraceptive and knowing the risks. Using proper contraception practices will help reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Only engage in sex when you are ready. Say no to sex if you do not feel you are ready. You should have control over your own decision.

Be yourself. You want to be around people who respect you. Be a good listener. A friendship is a two-way street. You want to be there and listen to your friends for their triumphs and defeats. [14] X Research source Try and meet people who embody the traits you want to have. If there is someone you know who goes out of their way to help others, try and strike up a conversation with them. Let them know that you respect their actions and want to learn from them.

Take good notes. There are many great note-taking strategies to help you become a good student. One such strategy is the Cornell Note taking Method To use this method, divide a standard 8 x 11 inch paper into three parts: A 2 ½” cue column on the left-hand side of the paper. This will hold vocabulary words, key terms, and possible test questions. A 6” note taking column to take up the rest of the vertical space of the paper. You will take your daily notes here. It is a good idea to write your notes out in an alphanumeric outline format. A 2” horizontal row at the bottom of your paper to summarize the day’s notes.

They can help you with college admissions, both filling out forms and writing letters of recommendation. They can more easily identify any weaknesses you have in your education. They can help you study more effectively. They can help you find resources if you have struggles outside of the classroom.

Learn to say no politely. It’s okay to say no to obligations if you have too many things to do. Try saying: “No thanks, I’m not going out tonight. I really need to study for tomorrow’s Chemistry test” or “I’d really love to work on this project, but I have a lot going on right now. ” Make a schedule and stick to it. Use a planner or a calendar and write down your obligations. Having this written down will give you visual cues to help you identify your obligations. Be sure to take time for yourself. It’s really easy to take on too many projects. Remember to take a few hours a day just to relax or unwind.

Health professionals recommend drinking 8-10 cups of water a day for people 13 years or older. You should drink more water if it is a hot day or you’ve been exercising.

A lack sleep can negatively impact your mood or behavior. A lack of sleep can negatively impact your study and/or school routine. Teenagers are at the highest risk for falling asleep at the wheel. This can hurt you and your friends. [19] X Research source

It can reduce stress and anxiety. It can help weight management. It keeps your mind active. [21] X Research source

You should meet with your doctor on a yearly basis for basic health screenings such as obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid function, depression, etc.

When eating away from home, choose a smaller portion. This will help you avoid overeating. Moderate the amount of junk food and/or fast food you consume. Try to eat high energy foods such as fruits, vegetable, and whole grains. [25] X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. of Health and Human Services Go to source [26] X Trustworthy Source National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Health information from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a division of the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Learn to read nutrition labels. [27] X Trustworthy Source National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Health information from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a division of the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source This can help you learn to identify what is in the food you eat, how many calories are in a serving size, and how the food meets your daily nutritional requirements.