High school diploma or GED Community college to gain specific training or get an associate’s degree Four-year university or college On the job training through apprenticeships Trade or technical schools for information technology, healthcare, service repair, and others

If you speak and write well, you’re more likely to be hired. Communicating as a part of a team is essential. Take your work and life seriously. Think critically when someone tries to convince you to do something, or give you “a great deal. " Be smart in the way you handle yourself and your future.

Go into local businesses where you think you’d be a good fit. Ask them if they are hiring. Fill out an application. Talk with family and friends about jobs in the area. Network with people you know about job openings and qualifications. Go to a career center, or see a guidance counselor. There may be people at your school who can help find out about local jobs for teens. Most cities have employment centers with people that can help you find a job or get training. Go online, and see about jobs available through job search engines. Look at what the qualifications are to do the work. Think about ways to meet those qualifications if you don’t have them already.

Don’t waste your money on buying a fancy car. When you’re starting out, it’s about looking at your future long-term, not just what looks good today. Your car should be a gateway to freedom, not a gateway to debt. Be careful and choose wisely. If you have limited access to public transportation and cannot yet afford your own car, look into carpooling in your area or using something like ZipCar, Uber, or Lyft to get where you need to go.

If you’re trying to get an apartment and you’re under 18, a parent or legal guardian may be required to be on the lease. If you’re over 18 and looking for a place for yourself, many apartments require that you show employment or income that is at least 3x the rent. If you do not have a current job, you may be required to pay several months of rent upfront or have a co-signer on your lease. Avoid choosing housing that has a lot of unnecessary perks that may drive up costs. Keep costs affordable. There may be online tools in your state or area to find more affordable housing. Consider finding a room for rent rather than an entire apartment. You may be able to share utility costs and save on rent. Be cautious of moving in with friends or family if you think they may not be responsible with money. Everyone on the lease is responsible if rent is not paid.

With any money you earn, make sure to save more than 20% in a savings account. Open a bank account. Make sure to put some of your money into savings. [3] X Research source Think before you spend. While it’s nice to have nice things, it’s important to pick your nice things wisely. Ask yourself if you really need it and if it’s going to give you long-lasting enjoyment. Save up for the big things, rather than buying something with credit. Bad credit can hurt your future. You will end up paying more for things like cars, furniture, electronics, and homes. Bad credit can even hurt you when you’re looking for an apartment, or trying to get a job. Potential landlords and employers can legally use bad credit as a factor in their decisions. [4] X Research source

Learn to organize your thoughts into clear, doable actions. See your five-year plan as a series of small steps and goals. Break down how long you think it might take to complete each step. For example, if you want to be head chef at a restaurant in five years, find out if you need to go to a culinary school or if you can simply start as a dishwasher and learn skills on the job as you move up. Find out what it take to go from being a line cook to a head chef. Think about if you want to start your own business, and how to get training in this.

It’s okay if you don’t have everything figured out. Just try to identify a starting point and go from there.

Be honest with them about what you’re thinking and feeling. No one succeeds alone. Getting your life started will feel a lot less overwhelming when you reach out and talk with someone you trust.

Identify people in your life that are positive and caring. Spend more time with them. Know that you don’t have to make anyone happy except yourself. [6] X Expert Source Rahti Gorfien, PCCLife Coach Expert Interview. 17 December 2019. Learn the difference between people who annoy or hurt you versus people who may come across as negative because they are telling you to be cautious. Not all criticism is bad, so think before you discredit someone’s point. Trust your own judgment if negativity seems to dominate a conversation. Some people may want you to fail because it makes their life easier, or because they are struggling and want things to be difficult for other people, too. Be strong and be positive.

A guidance counselor, or other school staff that you trust Your local library. Librarians can help find subjects that interest you about starting out, and learning how to be independent. A neighborhood community center such as a YMCA, or an arts or fitness center Leadership groups for teens through your school, or a non-profit center for youth A group through your local church or place of worship Your local community college for technical school opportunities or training

Is this a short-term problem? Are you thinking about leaving because of a recent set-back like failing a class, or an argument with your family? Think about ways you can overcome this problem, so that it’s not so overwhelming that you just want out.

Older generations may be able to give some honest answers about the good and bad of being independent, and what directions to take. You may be surprised to learn what older family members have been through or overcome, and they probably have a lot of solid, hard-won advice. Let your negative feelings about certain family members go, and focus your time on the positive people in your life.

Find local resources in your area through your school, work, or community centers. Talk with a guidance counselor or mental health professional. Counseling centers may be available in your community for low or no cost. If you’re a teen who’s going through a problem and you just want to talk to another teen, contact the Teen Line for support in the evenings (1-800-852-8336): https://teenlineonline. org/ If you are having thoughts of suicide or intense anxiety, call or text the Suicide and Crisis Helpline 24/7 (988): http://www. suicidepreventionlifeline. org/ If you are thinking about running away from home, consider local resources in your area for support. Reach out to the National Runaway Safeline 24/7 (1-800-RUNAWAY): http://www. 1800runaway. org/

Make healthy food choices. Drink water rather than soda. Eat healthy meals over fast food. Exercise. Get off the couch, and get active. Go for a walk or a bike ride. Get out into nature. Exercise supports both physical and mental health. Relieve stress through music, writing, art, sports, or even just taking a deep breath and counting to 10. [9] X Expert Source Rahti Gorfien, PCCLife Coach Expert Interview. 17 December 2019. Get a good night’s sleep. Be kind to yourself. Don’t let yourself feel down too often. Get help when you’re angry, sad, or anxious. You’re not alone.

Reliability is one of the keys to getting and keeping a job. [10] X Research source