Keep in mind that for some puppies, a loud noise like this will actually encourage them to bite you again (because they think you’re playing). If your loud noise doesn’t stop your puppy, move onto the methods listed below.

After the 20 seconds are up, go back and start playing with your puppy again. Communicate with your dog that gentle play is encouraged and rough play is discouraged. Play with your puppy until the same sequence happens again and repeat the ignore/withdraw steps.

Do this calmly and quietly without yelling at your pup. The more they associate their crate with a calm, soothing environment, the easier crate training will be. Don’t have a crate? Put your puppy in a separate room that’s blocked off with a baby gate to give them some quiet time.

Using a toy is a great way to get your puppy to stop biting your ankles, too. Whenever you feel a nip near your feet, drop your puppy’s favorite toy on the ground as a distraction. Always make sure that your puppy has plenty of fun, exciting toys around. Otherwise, they could get bored and look for other things to chew on (like your fingers).

A command gives your puppy something else to focus on besides their urge to bite.

Studies have shown that positive reinforcement is much more effective than negative reinforcement when it comes to training animals. Focus on rewarding your pup as much as you can to get them into good habits.

If your puppy tends to bite or nip more when you’re playing with them, try non-contact forms of play, like fetch. Have you ever noticed that your puppy gets “the zoomies,” or a quick burst of energy? Puppies typically like to play or exercise in short bursts, followed by a long nap.

Keep your puppy on a regular feeding and pottying schedule so don’t lose track of their needs.

You can also sign up for individual sessions with a dog trainer if you need one-on-one assistance.

Make sure that your puppy is up to date on all their vaccinations before letting them play with other animals.

Yelling at your puppy can also be seen as a form of reward or like you’re playing with them.