Ghosting works best if you haven’t made concrete plans with this person. If you do have plans together, let them know that you have to cancel before you ghost so they can free up their schedule and make new plans. Cutting off contact is a good option if you’re in an on again/off again relationship with someone.

If you’re ghosting a long-term partner or friend, they’re probably going to make a lot of attempts to contact you. However, if you’re ghosting someone you’ve only known for a little bit, they might not be super hurt by your decision to ghost them. The backlash for ghosting really depends on the type of relationship you had with the other person. If you ghost someone after a single date, you probably won’t get much backlash. However, if you ghost someone after a month of dating, it’s a whole different story.

“It was really nice to meet you, but I don’t think this is going to work out. I wish you all the best. ” “I had a really nice time hanging out with you, but I didn’t really feel a spark. Hope life treats you well. ”

This method works best if you don’t have any time-sensitive plans coming up. However, if you’re still trying to figure out when and where to meet up next, this is a good option. Ghosting timelines vary since every relationship is different. However, waiting around 3 days before responding is usually a good indicator that you’re trying to ghost someone.

“Sorry, work’s been crazy lately. I don’t think I can hang anytime soon. ” “My schedule’s pretty packed. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see you next. ”

If they keep messaging you online, you can always block their social media accounts, too.

If you ghosted someone and feel bad about it, you can send them an apology message if you’d like to. However, it doesn’t mean they’ll forgive you, and you may still never hear from them.