A hickey is a playful mark of possession – a brand of passion. In general, a girlfriend or emotionally-involved partner will be more receptive to a hickey than someone you met that night. [3] X Research source Consider whether a hickey is necessarily the “goal” of your encounter with this girl. It can be fun to give or receive a hickey, in the heat of the moment, but you shouldn’t put all of your focus on bruising and “branding” her. Take your time, and make her feel amazing!

Be aware that pain can be a serious mood-killer for some people. It’s not for everyone!

The neck may be the most popular spot, but you can technically give a hickey to any area of sensitive skin. For a less visible and more intimate mark, try giving her a hickey on the top of her breast or the inside of her upper thigh.

Use your best judgment on how long to build up before the hickey. If the two of you are very intimate, then it won’t seem too strange to get into kissing her neck for a while. Don’t just spend a few minutes kissing the same spot! Kiss all over her neck and face, and consider lightly nibbling her skin. Add some variety and make it interesting.

You can also try biting her neck with the tips of your teeth, extremely gently, in a sort of “love-nip. " Test the waters by nibbling her neck, Be very careful not to hurt her! Stop if she asks you to stop. Consent is not a one-time promise – it is a constantly-changing agreement. If she decides that she’s no longer comfortable with the situation, then it is your responsibility as a decent human being to back off and respect her wishes.