“Maya Angelou said, ‘Be present in all things, and grateful for all things. ’” “Good evening, distinguished guests. ” “Rumi said, ‘Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life. ’” “First, I’d like to thank everyone for being here. ”

“My name is Jane Doe, and I’m the chairman of the School Anti-Bullying Committee. It is my honor and privilege now to give a vote of thanks to all those who helped make this assembly happen. ” “I’m Camille Harris, and I’m the organizer of today’s event. On behalf of the Oakville Food Bank, I have the honor of giving our vote of thanks today.

“We would not be here without the hard work of the Anti-Bullying Committee. Thank you to our volunteers for working so hard to make today happen. ” “I’ll start by thanking the Oakville City Council for bringing us all together today. Thanks to their generosity, this event has been made possible. ”

“I’d like to thank the teachers for taking time away from their curriculum to allow students to hear this message. This assembly would be impossible without your support. ” “I’d like to thank Mr. Gomez for speaking at tonight’s event, and I want to thank all of you for your contributions. ” “Thank you to our guest speaker Dr. Wu for sharing her research on recycling and repurposing used materials. I’d also like to thank our event organizers for planning tonight’s dinner, and our volunteers for setting up and cleaning up after the event. Without them, tonight wouldn’t be possible. ”

Instead of, “Mr. Phillips, I cannot thank you enough for letting us use your room to practice. Your generosity and kindness toward our committee has been overwhelming, and we would be nothing without you,” try: “Mr. Phillips, our committee is so grateful to you for letting us use your classroom to practice when we had nowhere else. ”

“Dr. Wu’s tips for befriending bullies really stuck out to me because it reminded me that our club’s goal is to spread kindness. ” “Mr. Gomez’s comments about generosity really spoke to me. When we give, we truly create a community. ”

“I would like to thank everyone who helped our committee make this anti-bullying assembly a reality. We are trying to make our halls a safe, friendly space for all students who walk down them, and it’s events like these that help us achieve that. ” “I’d like to extend my genuine thanks to all of you for helping our organization provide food to people in need. Without you, there’d be a lot more hungry bellies in our community. ”

“Again, I’m grateful for each and every one of you. ” “One last time, I’d like to express my appreciation to everyone who worked on this event. ” “I’d like to end by thanking all of you one last time. ”

“Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to be here today and for listening to me speak. I am so grateful for this opportunity. Have a great weekend!” “Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight. ”