Vets technically lose money by having you home vaccinate. However, most are more than happy to help you learn if it is in the best interest of your puppy. You’ll also want to check the laws for your area regarding animal vaccinations. Some locations do not recognize self-administered rabies vaccinations and may even issue fines. [2] X Research source

For example, if you live in a wooded area where your puppy may be exposed to ticks, then a borrelia vaccine is a good idea as it reduces the risk of Lyme Disease. It’s a good idea to consult your local veterinarian if you’re not sure which non-core vaccinations are right for your dog. They’ll be able to give you an idea of what shots are necessary and which shots you can skip out on.

Expect to pay somewhere between $75-100 for a full series of puppy vaccinations. Before you buy a vaccination pack, ask the vendor how they store the packs before they’re purchased. Avoid buying packs that have been stored in excessive heat or cold or the vaccinations might not be as effective.

A standard first-round combination vaccine may container parvovirus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, and distemper. If your puppy has been exposed to some of these illnesses early in life, your vet may recommend that you vaccinate as soon as possible.

Vaccines rarely require intramuscular injection, and it can be more painful for your puppy. Read the instructions on your vaccines carefully, and inject vaccines subcutaneously whenever possible.

The liquid diluent helps to break up the powder of the vaccine, so it’s important to measure this exactly.

Some puppies behave better when placed on a high table for shots. However, you must keep a secure grip on them at all times. Or, they could fall to the ground and be injured. Ask a friend to assist you with the injections. You can also place the puppy on the table and then use your upper body weight to securely pin them down.

Once you’ve practiced lifting up the skin, wipe down the area with an alcohol wipe or a cotton ball dipped in alcohol. It’s okay if you get some alcohol on the fur as well.

Inserting vaccination medication directly into a vein creates more of a risk of a reaction on the part of your puppy.

Once you are done, carefully dispose of the needle in the sharps container provided within the kit. If your kit doesn’t include a sharps container, then place cap the used needle and place it in a sealed, hard plastic container for disposal.

Vaccines can come with a risk of anaphylactic shock. If your dog shows signs of experiencing anaphylactic shock, including vomiting, diarrhea, shock, seizure, cold limbs, or pale gums, take them to an emergency vet immediately.