Ask your client to sit down, and gently place both feet into the warm, bubbly bath. If your client is wearing old nail polish, clean toenails with nail polish remover, before placing them into a bath. After placing both feet into foot bath, take one foot out, and begin to scrub foot with a foot file. This will exfoliate dead cells from the soles of the foot. After about 5 minutes, place foot back into the bath, and take out the other foot, and begin to file sole of the foot. Once this is done, put in the bath, and take out the first foot. If there are callouses on the sole of the foot, scrape away with credo. Then, use exfoliant cream on the sole of the foot. Place back into the foot bath. Take out the second foot, and repeat some of the last three steps. Then take out first foot for final time. Gently dry foot with a towel, and rub cuticle remover on cuticles of all five toes. While cream is soaking cuticles, cut toenails with nail clippers. After all five toenails are cut, shape nails with the nail file. Upon completing this, take metal or orange stick and clean out nail bed of excess dirt that is trapped underneath nails. Once nails are cleaned, take Hindoo stone, and clean off excess cuticle from nails, and push back cuticles. Then take cuticle nippers, and nip away the broken skin from nails. When all these steps are completed, take nail brush and clean nails thoroughly. Remember that the water in the foot bath isn’t too hot; otherwise, it’ll burn your clients foot.