According to the FDA, adults can have up to 400mg of caffeine per day, which is about 4 to 5 cups of coffee. Start by limiting yourself to this amount and then lowering it as you are able to (for example, to only 2 or 3 cups a day, and then down to 1, and then 0). [3] X Expert Source Melody Sayers, MS, RD, NASM-CPTRegistered Dietician & Personal Trainer Expert Interview. 6 May 2020.

Sometimes, giving up coffee cold turkey can be a good challenge, especially if you think you be addicted to coffee and want to get rid of the habit. You may also do a no coffee challenge with a friend, where you both cold turkey and support each other as you go through the withdrawal symptoms.

Some people also experience shaking and sweating when they are going through coffee withdrawal. You should prepare yourself for these symptoms so you can get through your day.

If your headaches are unbearable, you can take over the counter painkillers. Follow the instructions on the label and only take the recommended dosage of the painkiller.

If you are struggling to get to sleep due to withdrawal symptoms, you may take melatonin. You can get melatonin over the counter at your local pharmacy or by prescription. If you have any existing health issues, you should see your doctor before taking melatonin.

Migraines are a typical symptom of coffee withdrawal because the absence of caffeine changes the blood flow and electrical activity in your brain. They should go away after a few days of no coffee as your brain will get used to the lack of caffeine and adjust accordingly.

If you feel any stress or irritability throughout your day because you aren’t able to have coffee, you can try doing a five minute meditation. Find a quiet, dim area and sit in a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and think of a place that signifies calm and relaxation to you. This could be a sandy beach, a mountain view, or even your bedroom first thing in the morning. Try to sit still for five minutes and focus on your place of calm. You can also use exercise and meditation to distract you from thoughts of coffee and any coffee cravings. When you feel a craving coming on, you can try doing a meditation or going for a walk or run to get your mind off coffee.

If you decide to switch to herbal teas, do some research and try several different types of tea to find ones that fit your tastes. You may want a light tea for the mornings, like a white tea, and a heavier tea in the afternoon, like a green or oolong tea. You may then have a lighter, caffeine free tea at night to help you sleep.

You can add in a slice of lemon or orange to the hot water to give it some flavor, but be careful of this option if you have acid reflux or stomach ulcers, as the citrus can aggravate your stomach acid.

Coffee can have social qualities, and you may miss meeting up with friends for a chat at a coffee shop. You should still allow yourself the opportunity to meet up with friends at the local java spot, but substitute your regular coffee order with an herbal tea or hot water. This way, you still get the social benefits of talking over a hot beverage without indulging in coffee.

If your replacement beverage is tea, you may want to read up on how to brew tea properly. You can also invest in a brewing basket, which you can place in a teapot or a travel mug to steep loose tea leaves properly.

You may decide to cut back more on coffee but still indulge in it occasionally. This may mean having tea in the mornings and then one cup of coffee in the afternoon, or having only tea one day and then one cup of coffee the following day. Another option is to cycle through your coffee habit, where you have coffee for a month and then give it up for one month. Then, the following month, you may gradually drink more coffee to build up your tolerance. Over time, your body gets used to caffeine and can become immune to the effects of caffeine, especially if you tend to drink coffee on a consistent basis. Cycling through your coffee habit can allow your body to maintain a balance and feel the effects of caffeine on a moderate basis. [14] X Research source