Learn to love and accept your body. Everyone is made differently, and there’s no reason to be ashamed of the way you look. Don’t rush yourself. It may take weeks, months or even years to get accustomed to going nude. [2] X Research source It may sound simple, but it can help to give your body a hug when you’re naked, as a way of embracing yourself and all that you are. Remember all the wonderful things your body does for you, like sustaining you as you walk, play, run, make meals, give birth, rescue someone, lift weights, and so on.

Learn to be more relaxed about nudity by gradually wearing fewer clothes. If you usually lounge around in sweatpants and a t-shirt, try switching to shorts and a tank top. Once you get over the initial feeling of vulnerability, you may find nakedness to be very freeing. When looking at yourself naked in the mirror, focus on what is good, not the parts you feel insecure about. Shift to an attitude of gratitude toward all the amazing things your body does for you instead.

If you share a room with someone else, make sure they’re okay with you going naked before exploring your new habit. Sleeping naked is more than just a personal preference—it actually has health benefits, too. [5] X Research source

This is only recommended for people who live alone, as it’s inappropriate to force others to see you without clothes. Make sure the blinds are closed and the curtains are drawn so that others nearby don’t get an unwanted eyeful.

It’s not a good idea to go nude outside in public areas, especially if there are families or children nearby. [8] X Research source Should you decide to practice nudity outside, you should be ready to accept whatever consequences come your way.

Enjoying a nude romp may be difficult if you live in an apartment or a crowded neighborhood that doesn’t allow much privacy.

To avoid any awkward situations, it will be safest to go out during the early morning hours when everyone else is asleep. Stay away from streetlights, floodlights, passing cars or anything else that may make you plainly visible.

Take care of your gardening or practice yoga without the burden of hot, restrictive clothing. Remember to keep yourself concealed from neighbors and passersby as much as possible. If you get reported, you’ll have a tough time explaining yourself. [10] X Research source

A wooded grove or field set far back from the road can make a perfect place to strut your stuff. In most countries, it’s almost always against the law to be in public places, like the park or the local convenience store, without clothing.

Many towns have resorts that are specifically designated for practicing nudists. Run a quick internet search to see if there’s one of these sites near you. Be polite toward nudists. It takes courage to be naked in front of others, so there’s no room for harassment or ridicule. [13] X Research source

Nude beaches can be found on almost every major continent, and may be worth the trip if you have a desire to bear it all somewhere more interesting than your backyard. [15] X Research source Be certain that your destination allows public nudity before you strip down.