This brief article will show you how to grant a temporary membership in Discord. This handy option exists alongside many others. Read about other Discord tips and tricks all users should know.

Why Grant Temporary Access to Your Discord Server?

Granting temporary access to your Discord server could prove useful in several ways.

Sometimes when playing pickup games (aka PUGs) online, you want to invite your team mates to your Discord channel so that you can communicate with them.

The only problem is that if you invite everyone to your server in every pickup game you play, over time your server will get crowded and feel more like a public gathering space than a private community. Read more about how to find the best discord servers.

Luckily, Discord offers a solution to this problem: temporary memberships.

How to Grant Temporary Access to Your Discord Server

If you would like to grant somebody a temporary membership to your server on Discord, here are the steps required to do so.

Open the Discord app. Select your server from the sidebar. Click on your server name to access the Server Settings drop-down menu. Click on Invite People. Click on Edit invite link at the bottom of the window. Click the switch that says Grant temporary membership (it should light up green). Click the button that says Generate a New Link. Copy the link from the Or, Send a Server Invite to A Friend field and send it!

Congratulations, you can now send your server invite link to whomever you wish to grant a temporary membership. Discord will automatically kick temporary members from the server when they disconnect, unless they have a specific role that you have assigned to them.

As a side note, you may also specify options like Expire After and Max Number of Uses when editing your invite link, although it is not compulsory. These options determine how long your link remains valid and how many times an invitee can use it. If left blank, links will default to expire after 7 days and have no limit on the number of uses.

Now You Can Add Temporary Members to Discord

That is how you grant a temporary membership to your Discord server. This is a significant feature to use in Discord when gaming with random people. It could also have many other uses as well.

Next time you are in a pickup game, be aware that you can invite your team mates to your Discord server temporarily. They won’t stay around forever, but you will be able to talk with them in order to (hopefully) win the game!